
I have a little flu thing going on…

But I’m starting to feel a bit better. Except for the coughing thing. I have watched an extraordinary amount of Star Trek: The Next Generation – They play three hours of it back to back on some channel – and lots of other day timey television.

anyhoo… I’ll be back later. After the nighttime cough medicine wears off. yum!


“History of the condom – pick me! Prostitutes in 18th england – pick me!” – Louise

After a stunning loss at the Robert Crais signing, Louise came back from behind with a outstanding victory at Saturday night’s Christopher Moore signing. If you recall, at the previous signing, Mr. Moore fell sway to her Darling Accent. This time, not only did he fall sway, but he remembered her, on sight, from the last time.

In line, Louise was very anxious because the post-it note lady had skipped us. We had no post-it notes in the front of our books, indicating the correct spelling of the our names. Since she was having a book signed for her brother Greame, or Graeme… I don’t know how it’s spelled, some crazy Scottish way, she was worried. She kept saying, over and over, in her Milton voice that she had no post-it. Sure enough, I believe it was spelled wrong at first, but you can’t blame him. He was caught in the golden aura that is her Scottish Spell. I’m being a little hard on him. He dissed the Mac during the reading/Q&A part. You can’t get away with that, unscathed. But I finished the book on Sunday and enjoyed very much.

My name he had no trouble with. It’s so sad to be the plain country mouse. Standing next to the fancy Scottish squirrel. Oh well, Robert Crais liked me better.


I’m quite fierce.

Every day I have a couple of web comics I read to get my day started. Some are also in the newspaper, like Get Fuzzy. But most are web only comics, like Medium Large. [on drinkatwork.com, which has lots of funny stuff every day, and is in my RSS feed 4 shur.]

One of my favorites is Lulu Eightball, by Emily Flake. It comes out every Wednesday, on the Baltimore City Paper online. Lulu is a character I can identify with. She’s got flaws. Yeah. Ummm… it’s Monday morning and I’m not really with it yet. I should be able to say more than “I like comic. Comic is funny.” But that seems to be all I have. So I’ll just show you last Wednesday’s comic and maybe you’ll understand.


click to enlarge.


Walking funny

Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever become, suddenly, hyper aware of the way you walk? And once that happens, you unable to notice? Then, since you are way too aware of your walk, your legs quit working properly, your joints don’t move smoothly and you walk a bit like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz. Also, it feels as tho you are walking on the surface of something very sticky, and it’s hard to lift your foot off the floor… you are surprised your shoes don’t make little popping noises as they pull free of the stick.

Does that ever happen to you? Or is it just me.

50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 48

Belly dancing is coming along well. In the sense that I am still enjoying it. Not in the sense I am getting any good at it. But it’s still great fun. So much so, in fact, that KK and I have decided to add a second class to our week. This class is actually more of a belly dance work out class, and it’s called Power Belly. Isn’t that precious? I think the only reason I am taking a work out class is a: it’s still belly dance which I like and b: i find the name Power Belly to be charming. Louise has decided to join us, and if we get in when we register today, our first class will be Tuesday after work.
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to use the term “power belly” in your 50 word fiction.

ìHow can you eat all that junk, doesnít it make you sick?î
Fred popped the last fry in his mouth and stood.
ìNopeÖ Iíve been upgraded.î
He lifted his shirt to show the steel that had replaced flesh.
ìIíve got a Power BellyÖ I could digest nails if I wanted.î


General responses

Madrigalia – you are probably correct, I should go on a tour in Canada. Oh the smarties I shall eat.
To all of you who doubted my ability to clean my cube yesterday… FINE! You are correct. But that’s only because I got a last minute project that had to be done by the end of the day. I did too!
I’m in training all day. I think it’s going to be too technical and above my head. What’s more, I have to use a PC. And INTERNET EXPLORER! Barf!!
