50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 46

I need to go on vacation, kids. It’s not just a time off from work thing, although who doesn’t love that. I need to go away somewhere I’ve never been. Walk streets in a city I do not know. Or maybe I need to go to a cabin by a lake, somewhere quiet, with just my laptop and a stack of books… surrounded by trees. Or, possibly, somewhere a bit more tropical, where I can enjoy the water more directly, and walk on the beach under the stars. I wanted to go to Vegas before Ave. Q closed in May, but going to Vegas – again – would be a cop out. No matter how much I love it. I need to go somewhere new.

That being the case, the theme this week is “getaways.” Even tho I didn’t stick strictly to the vacation sense of the theme, myself. For those new to the game, feel free to contribute a story of your own. The only rule is it has to be exactly 50 words. [Unless you are William.] And if you want the extra cheesy, deep fried bonus points, you need to follow the them. I try to write one every Friday for no other reason than “why not?”


The sun bore down hot on her skin. But not in a good way. She pushed her sunglasses back up on her nose, she was going incognito. But not in a fun way. She was stuck waiting outside the bank, ready to drive away. But not in a slow way.
