
Evildeb’s trip to Reno

Evildeb and Lloyd just returned from Reno Nevada, where Lloyd fenced in a tournament. This is her report.

Well, I took my camera but when I tried to take a picture I discovered that I’d removed the disk.

So, I took the attached pictures with my phone. The view from our window was very pretty, especially because it snowed at night and made everything look nice. I wish the pics were better. You can Photoshop them with your minds to get a better idea.



Summary of our trip: I won $100 by sitting down at a slot machine at which some (most likely inebriated) person had left 400+ credits.

A man (either crazy or on serious drugs) said I was hot, then that I was a Goddess, then (when we saw him later on an escalator) told Lloyd to hold onto me because I was cute. Then we saw him again outside so he said I was hot again.

Another “man” in his teens/early twenties, snorted at me (as in, like a pig) because I “looked” at him. But, since it was 3 to 1 in favor of my being hot, I decided the guy that snorted had a chip on his shoulder and that the odds were in favor of my being “hot”.

I won a bunch of doodads on the midway at Circus Circus. Because on the midway, everyone is a winner.

We saw an acrobatic Jack Russel Terrier doing back flips at Circus Circus.

Lloyd fenced.

I had a massage at the spa.

We played Roulette.

We did not win a million dollars which was a big disappointment.

We did get 4 hats and 5 pocket magnifiers and 1 orgami pen.

The End.

She gave me one of the hats.
