50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 48

Belly dancing is coming along well. In the sense that I am still enjoying it. Not in the sense I am getting any good at it. But it’s still great fun. So much so, in fact, that KK and I have decided to add a second class to our week. This class is actually more of a belly dance work out class, and it’s called Power Belly. Isn’t that precious? I think the only reason I am taking a work out class is a: it’s still belly dance which I like and b: i find the name Power Belly to be charming. Louise has decided to join us, and if we get in when we register today, our first class will be Tuesday after work.
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to use the term “power belly” in your 50 word fiction.

ìHow can you eat all that junk, doesnít it make you sick?î
Fred popped the last fry in his mouth and stood.
ìNopeÖ Iíve been upgraded.î
He lifted his shirt to show the steel that had replaced flesh.
ìIíve got a Power BellyÖ I could digest nails if I wanted.î
