50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 46

I need to go on vacation, kids. It’s not just a time off from work thing, although who doesn’t love that. I need to go away somewhere I’ve never been. Walk streets in a city I do not know. Or maybe I need to go to a cabin by a lake, somewhere quiet, with just my laptop and a stack of books… surrounded by trees. Or, possibly, somewhere a bit more tropical, where I can enjoy the water more directly, and walk on the beach under the stars. I wanted to go to Vegas before Ave. Q closed in May, but going to Vegas – again – would be a cop out. No matter how much I love it. I need to go somewhere new.

That being the case, the theme this week is “getaways.” Even tho I didn’t stick strictly to the vacation sense of the theme, myself. For those new to the game, feel free to contribute a story of your own. The only rule is it has to be exactly 50 words. [Unless you are William.] And if you want the extra cheesy, deep fried bonus points, you need to follow the them. I try to write one every Friday for no other reason than “why not?”


The sun bore down hot on her skin. But not in a good way. She pushed her sunglasses back up on her nose, she was going incognito. But not in a fun way. She was stuck waiting outside the bank, ready to drive away. But not in a slow way.


6 thoughts on “50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 46

  1. Perry says:

    Thanks for writing at an ungodly hour so that I could have it fresh for breakfast, Friday Greenwich Mean Time. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Thomas says:

    She jumped elegantly from her hidden perch with a ninja’s skill. Suitably assured that her housemate was far enough away, she walked carefully across to the prize: A freshly steamed salmon filet. Just as she neared the delicacy, a sharp voice broke the silence, “Pru! Get away from there!”

  3. William says:

    He thought about bees. He became obsessed with bees. Keeping bees was hard work to be sure, but to be rid of the city life, that terrible job, sometimes getting away is less going somewhere, and more about not going somewhere. Bees have fur; they are little kittens with wings.

  4. MOMO says:

    William just wanted to show that he could do it with fifty words…. yes he does show boat, but ultimately he usually exercises his privilege,

  5. “You have just WON a getaway of a LIFETIME!!!”
    I ripped open the envelope with mild amusement. The envelopes have been arriving for years, each proclaiming obvious confusions in search of a sucker.
    Aw, the time share pitch. Hum. Iraq. That’s a twist. Seems that there are newly liberated condos.

  6. Perry says:

    Sorry my home work is late Miss, I plead timezonesÖ
    Like the line out of a Left Banke tune, he had promised not to try to follow her back home; but as he knew and she knew, he would round the corner, she would swivel on her Jimmy Choo stilettos and fully armed with mace would shout, ìEhhww, Get Away!î

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