
Blessed are the Girl Scouts

An adorable girl scout just came by my desk to deliver unto me the most holy and sacred of snacks – The Girl Scout Cookie! I had placed an order a month or so ago, when her mom, an employee here, had put the order form out in our lounge. But never did I expect the boxes to be hand delivered! By a red headed moppet who is missing her front teeth, no less.

Which reminds me… I want to be 8 years old again. Yesterday was the birthday of another coworkers daughter, her 8th. This happens to be one of my favorite of coworker kids, I’ve known her since she was a little toddler thing. Her mom, one of my many ex-bosses here at my P.O.E., had an office full of toys I was looking through yesterday. And I have to say, I wanted to take home each and every one. The Easy Bake Oven, the Hot wheels Starter Kit, the art supplies… all of it. The new bike her grandma got her, which was not in the office. Why can’t I be 8 years old again? Actually, can I just be my age, but have the toys? it would be SoooOOOOoooo Fun!


7 thoughts on “Blessed are the Girl Scouts

  1. They’re on my bad side this year.
    Last weekend, a cute little girl scout came by to deliver our cookies. I didn’t have any cash but I did have a baby in my arms. And they refused to take a check. So I asked them to come back. A week later? No freakin’ cookies.

  2. I bought more cookies yesterday. I had the boys and my mom with me so I didn’t have to worry about blasting through the whole box.
    This morning I found half a box left, had one, and tossed the rest. Not because I don’t love them … but because I do. I’m weak.

  3. Perry says:

    Back from holidays, combo comments:
    Did you know you can buy Fig Newtons in Tunisia? I like GG cookies, but like FG’s better.
    Dirty Little Secret (which also works with this thread.) Whenever I buy a toy to give as a gift, I play with it first. I’ve perfected the art of opening the packaging (any packaging) in such a way as to be able to reseal it-presto, looks like new. Once in Toys’R’Us I was asked to stop opening the packages…for anyone who knows TRU, this is really pushing it given their usual policy of, “let ’em play”.
    Hey jodi, maybe you could have a best/worst toy thingy for us?

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