
Riddle Contest

I am doing a riddle contest online… again. This is bad, because I’ll get stuck on a riddle and it will occupy my mind, nonstop, until I solve it. It drives me nuts. I finally had to quit, the last time I did this, because the obsession was overwhelming. And the riddles were getting too hard. Nonetheless, I find myself shamed to be stuck already, on the 5th riddle of round 1.


Click to see riddle… any suggestions?


7 thoughts on “Riddle Contest

  1. arifa says:

    jodi! curse you. you know how much i love puzzles. i have to be in meetings most of the afternoon and i have to get some stuff done before i can leave (since i’m doing my best to stop taking work home). this is not helping. at first glance, all i can see is that A+E = 10

  2. arifa says:

    dag nabbit. i stoppedl ooking a the puzzle, but i can’t sotp tihnking about it! i just realized that the two comments i posted before are incorrect because i forgot to tihnk about the fact that you can carry numbers. blah.

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