
Home from the Holidays

You know, a 3 hour lay over in a airport 1 hour away from my stepmother is not the only traveling mistake I made Monday. I didn’t mean to come home in the middle of a snow storm. Honest. I didn’t.

What a nightmare the airport was. The minute we landed, everyone got on their cell phones and I started hearing conflicting reports of which route to take home. I did hear that I should fill the tank, go the bathroom, and bring food because it was going to be a long haul. I didn’t want to call my mom, because it was kinda late, so I did as instructed, picked up my luggage and headed out to the parking lot.

Now, I never knew that cold temperatures could affect elevators but 4 of the 6 elevators were out of service. And it took me, I kid you not, 10 minutes to take an elevator up one floor. There were people who would flat out NOT hold the door while I struggled to get over to the elevator going up with everything in my hands. It was a breakdown in humanity, I’m telling you. But, then I got up to the fifth floor and… realized I had forgotten where I had parked. I knew it was 101… something. Possibly the 5th floor.

It took 25 minutes of walking around for me to find it. Up and down the aisles. FYI – 5G-101.

So, I got out of the parking lot no problem. But then, it actually got worse at that point. 20 minutes on the road to the freeway and I had moved yards. I gave in and called my mom, took her advice and checked into their airport Hilton. Really comfy bed and, in my opinion, black out curtains are the best invention of the 20th century. My next bedroom is going to have some. I stayed there until checkout, giving all the ice a chance to melt, before I headed home.

Now, I’m home, surrounded by snow, with a cat who won’t leave my side. She missed me. It’s cozy. Another storm is on the way, and I’m bummed because it will delay my trip up to Victoria. But I’ve got hot chocolate, plenty of stuff saved up on the tivo, laundry to do, and a level 19 Night Elf Hunter who is soooo close to levelling up to 20 it’s not even funny. So I’ve got no real complaints. it’s all good.


Everyone knows that Jesus appreciates quality footwear.

Boy, am I stupid. I’m sitting here in the Charlotte NC Airport because I am the worst travel planner in the world. The flight from the Greensboro Airport to Charlotte was about an hour. Add in the requisite two hour buffer arrival time, and that’s three hours. Now, it’s about two and a half until my plane takes off to Seattle. My stepmom said it would have taken her about an hour to drive to Charlotte. Are you sensing my stupidity here?

If only there was wireless here. I could be playing WoW, at the very least. Instead, I am sitting in a Chili’s. Which is fine, I truly enjoy their Grilled Chicken Cesar Salad. It’s a shame that i am not doing NaNo… oh the writing I could get done.

So last night, when we were traveling through the Festival of Lights at Tanglewood Park, my steomom had Christmas songs playing on the radio. Josh and I were sitting in the back seat when this horrible song came on. Truly, the worst xmas song I’ve ever heard. It’s called XXXXXXX, and it’s all about this kid who’s mom is dying. This poor, dirt covered kid, who is trying to buy his dying momma a pair of shoes on Christmas Eve. And he doesn’t have a lot of time left, apparently she is truly at death’s door, so won’t someone please sell him these shoes so his momma will look pretty if she goes to meet Jesus tonight. I’m not making this up, has anyone else heard this song?

Now the moment he mentioned his momma looking pretty when she went to meet Jesus, Josh and I started balking. It was the worst kind of manufactured sentimentality. And even worse, it wasn’t even good, musically speaking. Listen to it, if you dare….. it’s called the Christmas Shoes.

Gross, eh? I mean, seriously… COME ON! I declared that whomever wrote this song should be shot. I’m actually kind of offended by the crass use of, well, poor children with dying mommas. And Christmas. And shoes. But then I felt bad, because it it’s Christmas and all.

Me: But in the butt, maybe. With buckshot? Not like… TO DEATH or anything.

Josh: To the pain?

Me: Exactly!

Wow, two hours and 20 minutes to go. I’d better eat this salad slowly.


A sprinkle of xmas spirit.

I seem to disconnect from blogging when I leave my home, don’t I? I’m still in North Carolina. My brother Josh is playing a Star Wars video game and I am playing WoW and Titanic is on the tv. Luckily, we had it on a different channel for most the love story. We are just watching the sinking part. I like the quartet that keeps playing as the ship sinks.

So today we all piled in the car and went to a local park called Tanglewood. They have a Festival of Lights. You drive thru with your car, and it’s quite lovely. Sometimes it’s like going through a tunnel of lights. Like giant snowflakes coming down. There were xmas type things like candy canes, reindeer, and of course, baby jesus. And non xmas type things like… golfers and a pirate ship.

Anyways, I miss you all. I’ll be home tomorrow night. I have all next week off, as is my tradition, to finish NaNoWriMo. Except this year, I’m not going to finish it, am I? No, I am not. Sad. But I still have the week off. A couple of days packed with appts. and then off to Victoria for a 4 day weekend.


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I’m in Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the holidays. Sorry I haven’t explained the ghost thing yet, yesterday was spent in airports and planes. The day before was spent blowing my nose, doing laundry and napping. Man, there is nothing better than a day on airplanes with a cold.

So Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope there are not spelling errors in this post, I’m typing this in bed with no glasses, everything is just one big blur. Dangerblogging.

Canada, William

Boo! Yea or Nay.

One, do you believe in ghosts? And if so, have you ever had a ghostly experience? I’ll explain later when I talk about my weekend.

I’m on the ferry ride back to the mainland right now, and, truth be told, I think I am getting sick. I think I have a cold. There is a difference between allergies and a cold and I am feeling the difference. This sucks because I am leaving for North Carolina on Wednesday to spend 5 days at my stepmonster’s house for Thanksgiving. I don’t want to be sick! Crap. Anyway, I’ll post this when I get home and you guys can think about it and tell me your thoughts on ghosts and I’ll explain why I asked tomorrow.

Note: I wrote that last night when I was on the ferry, but forgot to post it. I decided to stop off at the office and pick up my computer so I could work from home today…. Monday. That got me home about 1:30, since I had caught the last ferry. Too sleepy. And feeling kinda crappy. I just didn’t want you guys to think I was sitting around not blogging due to WoW. Cuz I haven’t played in days. Swear to gods.

50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays – Vol. 55

This afternoon, I am taking another one of those industry tests that says “Yay – you sure do seem to know a lot about our software, you go girl!” I don’t know if that’s true, but despite the fact this is not one of the products I support, I am fairly confident I will pass the test, as I have been taking practice tests. I just don’t believe this is the best way to measure someone’s expertise in a product. Anyway, today’s theme is tests.

Not My Home for the Holidays

Nieces and nephews buzzed passed him, knocking the packages from his arms. Before he could orient himself, he was gathered in the arms of a thousand relatives, compressed into a form 27% smaller than his norm.

Some call it a holiday, but he knew what it really was – a test.



Did I mention that I got a Canadian pre-paid cell phone. Wil currently does not have a phone, for the time being. Neither one of us are phone people, really. But you kinda need one in emergencies. And there was no way for the less email/chat inclined family to reach me on the weekends. So I got a simple pre-paid phone, which I leave with him during the week. My American pre-paid cell phone does not have service once I cross the border, for whatever reason.

Sales guy: Any preferences for numbers?

Jodi: I like 8’s.

Wil: I like phone numbers that rhyme. Something easy to remember.

Jodi: Maybe a phone number that spells something?

My Canadian phone number? (no, I’m not really going to give you the entire number, just the important part) XXX-XXX-JODI.



I don’t care if you were pole-dancing all night, as long as you did it with some integrety!

So, in the category of Interesting Classes I take with KK, I give you our newest endeavor, The Pole Dancing Workout. We’ve actually been trying to get into this class for months, but since the studio was featured in a newspaper article, it’s been hard to get in at times we could go. Last night was our second class…. I actually wrote this long post about it last week, and for some reason forgot to post it. Nor did I even notice that I forgot to post it. Damn you WoW!!

The class starts out with a floor work and stretching. A couple of things I’ve learned off the bat, slow everything down. The class is full of little ways to make normal movements seem sensual. When it comes to getting up from a kneeling position, however, I fail. I tried and tried to do the little kneel – squat – rise up thing and I tip over some where around the squat part. I can do the kneeling, and I’m ok when we get to part where you stick your ass out, and then your chest and face, but it’s getting from kneeling to standing…. but you know what? I’m ACES at the hair flip.

We also learned to stripper walk. The stripper walk is a slow, foot dragging, leg crossing, hip popping walk that actually takes a bit balance. You start out walking. Then you slow it down, then you add the foot drag thingy, hen the leg crossing, then you add the hip pop… you can see at this point, that’s like… THREE things to think of at once, and walking is not my strongest suit as it is. I had to stick close to the walls and poles for a bit. I’m sure those who work with me will eventually see KK and I practicing our stripper walk down the halls of POE, however don’t bother asking me to see it. My teacher says we are not allowed to show anyone our moves for at least six weeks. It’s bad enough that KK and I are there together. It’s important that we not look at each other as we hang on to the pole, bend over with our asses out, and then do a hair flip – or we’ll start cracking up. And cracking up ruins the sexy. Not looking at each other is our Best Move so far.

Last night we added something new to the mix – 6″ platform exotic dancer shoes. Now, we all know that I am challenged, coordinationally speaking. But this is the part I was actually looking forward to the most. First, because maybe it will give me a bit more grace in normal heels. Also, it required shoe shopping. And, lastly, would I ever have an excuse to buy 6″ platform stripper shoes in my life, ever, if not for this class? No! KK, she was not so into the idea. She’s a tall girl as it is, and while she is fine with her current height, she is not looking forward to adding 6″ to it. Even in 6″ heels, I am not as tall as she is in flats, still 4″ shorter. These are my shoes.

Sexyshoesiren 1922 93291000

I was so disappointed that we did not put them on immediately, but rather stayed barefoot during floorwork. However, I wasn’t in them but for a minute when I wanted those fuckers off my feet ASAP. All that pressure on the balls of your feet… it’s not comfy. As for walking in them? There is a high possibility of sprains in my future.


Will someone go get me a diet pepsi, I finally got this spot on the couch warm.

How is it possible that I haven’t blogged in a week? I even forgot f 50 Word Fiction Friday. Oh, I know exactly what I’ve been doing instead of blogging. And anything else that I’ve needed to do in the evenings and on the weekends.

Wil convinced me to install a trial version of World of Warcraft. It’s important you understand that it was not my idea and it’s not my fault. It’s Wil’s. You understand that, right? He told me we could be elfin boyfriend and girlfriend, and kiss. So it took two days, but I downloaded and installed a 10 day guest pass. Wil’s been playing a 14 day trial. Ok, the fun part is we can play together online. Most the video/computer games that Wil plays are first person shooter, and I play the Sims or puzzle games. So that was kind of fun, playing together. I’m a Level 12 Druid Night Elf. This makes me worthless in a fight, for the most part. Wil does the bulk of the fighting. Once, I was cornered by several giant spiders who kept killing me, every time I came back to life, they’d kill me. When I complained, Wil said “Honey, that’s why you need to wait for me to get there, I’ll take care of them for you, you are not strong enough yet.” Geek chivalry. However, he was on one quest that was proving to be particularly difficult, so I helped him out by continuously casting a health spell on him, over and over, while he fought these… somethings, I don’t know what, that kept killing him.

Once, we were waiting on the dock for a boat to take us to an island, we were jumping up and down and being silly and another elf came and joined us. Pretty soon he was jumping up and down and being silly. And he started flirting with Tangwen, my elf. He asked to join our party. But here’s the thing…. meeting up in World of Warcraft to play together? That’s like… a date to me and Wil. This is what constitutes a date in a long distance relationship. I don’t know what people who aren’t into computers do, when they are in long distance relationships. Do they sit on the phone, long distance, and watch tv at the same time or something? it’s seriously fun to be able to play a game with someone who is a 5 hours car and ride away. It’s seriously fun to play with someone in the same room, as well – with the added benefit of the vocal interaction. (Usually I get statements similar to “Where are you going? Why are you running in circles. You know they are shooting arrows at you, don’t you?” Actually, he’s is very patient with me. )

Originally, Wil had some … life goals, shall we say, he wanted to complete before he would allow himself to actually purchase the full game. But once we started playing together, and he maxed out the levels he could reach on a trial version, he downgraded these to-do items to one: is there enough change in my spare change drawer to buy the game? Yes, ok then. It came with 30 days of time (you have to pay for access to the game servers) and after that, he has to have certain things done, before he can buy more time on the server.

As for me, I bought the damn game too. And it poses a great threat to my nanowrimo, which wasn’t exactly going anywhere anyway. I don’t know if I am going to complete NaNo this year. I’m too distracted. And not buy just WoW, either. Although… did I mention I can turn into a bear? Yeah, I’m a shapeshifter. Cool, huh. Next I think I get to learn to be a big toothy cat. But I don’t know what level I have to reach before I can get there.

God, I am such a geek. it’s ok, these things usually only a last a couple of weeks before I get over it. Remember the first time I played the sims? I survived that.


You know what to do….

vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote.


It’s the only way we can change things.

If you happen to like the way things are going, well… then please stay home. it’s cold outside and you should stay home and stay dry. Don’t bother voting, it’s not important.
