
I don’t care if you were pole-dancing all night, as long as you did it with some integrety!

So, in the category of Interesting Classes I take with KK, I give you our newest endeavor, The Pole Dancing Workout. We’ve actually been trying to get into this class for months, but since the studio was featured in a newspaper article, it’s been hard to get in at times we could go. Last night was our second class…. I actually wrote this long post about it last week, and for some reason forgot to post it. Nor did I even notice that I forgot to post it. Damn you WoW!!

The class starts out with a floor work and stretching. A couple of things I’ve learned off the bat, slow everything down. The class is full of little ways to make normal movements seem sensual. When it comes to getting up from a kneeling position, however, I fail. I tried and tried to do the little kneel – squat – rise up thing and I tip over some where around the squat part. I can do the kneeling, and I’m ok when we get to part where you stick your ass out, and then your chest and face, but it’s getting from kneeling to standing…. but you know what? I’m ACES at the hair flip.

We also learned to stripper walk. The stripper walk is a slow, foot dragging, leg crossing, hip popping walk that actually takes a bit balance. You start out walking. Then you slow it down, then you add the foot drag thingy, hen the leg crossing, then you add the hip pop… you can see at this point, that’s like… THREE things to think of at once, and walking is not my strongest suit as it is. I had to stick close to the walls and poles for a bit. I’m sure those who work with me will eventually see KK and I practicing our stripper walk down the halls of POE, however don’t bother asking me to see it. My teacher says we are not allowed to show anyone our moves for at least six weeks. It’s bad enough that KK and I are there together. It’s important that we not look at each other as we hang on to the pole, bend over with our asses out, and then do a hair flip – or we’ll start cracking up. And cracking up ruins the sexy. Not looking at each other is our Best Move so far.

Last night we added something new to the mix – 6″ platform exotic dancer shoes. Now, we all know that I am challenged, coordinationally speaking. But this is the part I was actually looking forward to the most. First, because maybe it will give me a bit more grace in normal heels. Also, it required shoe shopping. And, lastly, would I ever have an excuse to buy 6″ platform stripper shoes in my life, ever, if not for this class? No! KK, she was not so into the idea. She’s a tall girl as it is, and while she is fine with her current height, she is not looking forward to adding 6″ to it. Even in 6″ heels, I am not as tall as she is in flats, still 4″ shorter. These are my shoes.

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I was so disappointed that we did not put them on immediately, but rather stayed barefoot during floorwork. However, I wasn’t in them but for a minute when I wanted those fuckers off my feet ASAP. All that pressure on the balls of your feet… it’s not comfy. As for walking in them? There is a high possibility of sprains in my future.
