We have a black squirrel living around our apartment building. I’ve never seen a black squirrel before. I thought I was crazy. Or that it was a very dark grey squirrel standing in a shadow. One of the two. But they are real, black squirrels. I’m going to try to take a picture of him for you. He’s wily. I’ve named him Francis.
Probably some whacked out homeless dude in a nearby park with a can of black spray paint 😉
black francis! very nice.
Your squirrels are from Marysville Kansas…. 🙂
I wanna see a black squirrel!
We have a couple of tan squirrels that run around on the hillside behind our house. I don’t know which, is which, so I call them both Chester.
I want a picture of the black ones!!! Albino squirrels live somewhere in Missouri. Too lazy to google.
We have lots of black and tan squirrels here. Even one with a grey coat. Not sure if it’s just an aging one or what.
Stanley Park is FULL of black squirrels! They will run right up your legs if you are feeding them. : )
Nice site, not sure how I got there though.