
Day Two: Do I Sound Like A Musical Robot

Day two of NaNoWriMo and my word count is 3,407. Once again I finished my minimum before Wil got home from work, if only about two minutes before. If anything, today was more of a struggle than yesterday. At times, I just started writing like a robot. You know, like “He got out of the car. The car was brown. He was wearing a shirt. It was plaid.”

I would go on like that until I loosened up a bit, and something more pleasant came out. Later, I went back and fixed the dry stuff. I use a great program called Scrivener to write. It allows me to write “scrawling fragmentary ideas that don’t seem to fit anywhere yet.” I can jump from scene to scene. Whatever it takes to keep writing. I highly recommend it. It’s mac only, but it comes with a 30 day trial, so you can try it out while you work on your novel throughout November.

The South Beach diet is not going as well. Yesterday was hard. I was hungry all day and the cravings for something sweet or something bready were intense. And this morning, I cheated. I admit it, I had the last bowl left in the box of raisin bran. It was delightful, and now it’s all gone. I suppose, if you are going to cheat, better on day 2 of the first phase then day 12 or something, after you’ve worked so hard to get rid of the cravings. Right? I dislike this diet and it does not work well for my limited tastes for foods. I am going to finish phase one and see how I feel. I might switch to Weight Watchers. Wil can stay on it. I’m pretty sure the food I prepare for him would be low in points as well.

It’s not fair! NaNoWriMo requires candy and Dr Pepper! Everyone knows that. My heart’s not in it, but man, I have got to do something about the weight gain. I’ve got all these pants in a smaller size I can’t wear right now.
