nanowrimo, William

Day 9: I’m so behind

Who’s idea was it to write a mystery? And who’s idea was it to start NaNoWriMo without knowing who killed Marisa and why? Cuz that was a stupid idea. I’ve been writing lots of character profiles. I’m kinda good at that. My word count is way behind. I think I am going to have to start writing down my free form thoughts about the crime and why it was done to her, even if it’s stupid, to get my word count back up. That’s what I am doing now, trying to figure out the players and who killed Marisa and why. Besides the fact she’s an sneaky, cold hearted bitch.

This isn’t a first draft. This isn’t even a shitty first draft. This is like draft .2. It’s 2/10th’s of a first draft. Qualitywise.

On the plus side, I’ve been scrubbing the spots out of our horrible Dalmatian carpet with a Woolite Rug Stick. We were allowed to move into this no pets apartment building with two cats because the carpet in this unit sucks. It needs to be replaced. Because of that, he let us have cats, and did not replace the carpet. We were grateful. However, the carpet makes me sad. It’s ugly and tan and spotty. I haven’t had the gumption to drag home a rental steam cleaner.

The Woolite Rug Stick is not getting rid of every spot, but it’s definitely fading them. And that is such a relief. It’s a lot of physical work, tho. I’m trying to get the hallway and living room at least somewhat de-spotted because we will have house guests for the next six days. One of Wil’s little buddies from the island Monday through Thursday and then my mom will be here Friday and Saturday.

I’m not sure what having house guests will do for my word count. All Wil and his little buddy will be doing is hanging out and playing video games and making messes. One of two things will happen. Either every part of the house, besides the living room, will be really clean. (Because there will be no room for me in the living room, and nothing for me to do there anyway.) or I will run away to the library all day and my word count will soar.

Or I will spend my days preparing food for them.

Or I will play the sims.

PS: Wil lost 8 lbs in the first week of our diet and I lost 6.5. So yay us!
