
Day Three: I’ve Already Eaten My 15 Allotted Almonds for the Day

I haven’t written my words yet today, which goes against my strategy for winning this year: write first thing in the morning, don’t stop until you hit at least 1667 words.

Now, I promise you that I’m not going to talk about my diet every damn day. But I am going to talk about it one more time to let you know that I am officially switching to Weight Watchers. It worked well for me before, and I think it will this time too. South Beach is just far to restrictive for someone with my limited tastes. I like the point system. I like trying to save up as many of the Weekly Points as possible to have a treat. I love that I can drink a Dr Pepper if I want to, as long as I count the points.

There are things about SB that I will miss. As much as you can miss something you’ve only been on three days. Ideas I will miss. You can eat all you want of the foods you are allowed to eat. You don’t have to measure or worry about portions. The only limit is nuts. You can only have 15 almonds a day. That’s not a lot of almonds, which is unfortunate because it’s on the rather small list of “Foods I will actually eat.” The thought of continuing on that diet just depressed me.

It was stupid to start NaNo and a diet at the same time, but at least on WW, I know I will have foods I can eat. Although a lot fewer daily points than I had when I started the last time. Maybe because I weigh 44 lbs less than I did the first time.
