
Checking in

And so that was Christmas. How was yours? Mine was AWESOME! Home for the first xmas since 2006. It was a thing of wonder. I admit to being a bit worried about Wil. He’s not much for holidays. In my family, we are VERY MUCH for holidays. Especially Christmas. I think I’ve been warning him and preparing him for years for his first Christmas Eve get-together, aka: Stocking Madness. He did great! I think he really enjoyed it. Beer probably helped. And the fact that, for us, it was a smaller group. No orphans or close family friends, only people in the family.

I got some great Christmas presents, but for me the best present was just being there. No, really, I’m serious. Shut up. The biggest surprise present was a Wii from my mom and Bob. We were not expecting that! I also got the Biggest Loser game for the Wii. Now I am going to take advantage of the Boxing Week sales to pick up a Wii fit with board.

Additionally I got a Sony E-reader, all 6 Harry Potter movies in a box set of blu-ray and my “And then Buffy staked Edward. The End” t-shirt.

But Christmas is not about how much loot you got, it’s about how much sugary goodness you stuffed in your belly. It was a very Merry Christmas indeed. My pants are tight.


3 thoughts on “Checking in

  1. We got Super Mario too and it is fun. And I haven’t finished my Xmas eating binge yet. I’ve decided I will make a New Year’s resolution and try getting in shape for real, but until the 1st, it’s game on.

  2. Perry says:

    Kids got Super Mario for the Wii from us and Wii Sport Resort from uncle and aunt. But the best bit was the Lego Carousel the three younger one’s got from my sisters in Canada! It will take them months to build!
    Happy New Year Jodi and Wil,

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