
Evildeb’s trip to Reno

Evildeb and Lloyd just returned from Reno Nevada, where Lloyd fenced in a tournament. This is her report.

Well, I took my camera but when I tried to take a picture I discovered that I’d removed the disk.

So, I took the attached pictures with my phone. The view from our window was very pretty, especially because it snowed at night and made everything look nice. I wish the pics were better. You can Photoshop them with your minds to get a better idea.



Summary of our trip: I won $100 by sitting down at a slot machine at which some (most likely inebriated) person had left 400+ credits.

A man (either crazy or on serious drugs) said I was hot, then that I was a Goddess, then (when we saw him later on an escalator) told Lloyd to hold onto me because I was cute. Then we saw him again outside so he said I was hot again.

Another “man” in his teens/early twenties, snorted at me (as in, like a pig) because I “looked” at him. But, since it was 3 to 1 in favor of my being hot, I decided the guy that snorted had a chip on his shoulder and that the odds were in favor of my being “hot”.

I won a bunch of doodads on the midway at Circus Circus. Because on the midway, everyone is a winner.

We saw an acrobatic Jack Russel Terrier doing back flips at Circus Circus.

Lloyd fenced.

I had a massage at the spa.

We played Roulette.

We did not win a million dollars which was a big disappointment.

We did get 4 hats and 5 pocket magnifiers and 1 orgami pen.

The End.

She gave me one of the hats.


2 thoughts on “Evildeb’s trip to Reno

  1. that’s too bad that you didn’t win a million dollars, deb, but i’m pretty sure that the origami pen is worth a ton.
    but how did lloyd do in the competition?

  2. evil deb says:

    Lloyd is telling Jodi about how he did in the competition right now. Lloyd is a very enthusiastic storyteller. He is thrusting his finger at her eye in explanation of what it means to “Fletch”. (Not to be confused with what it means to “Flinch”.)
    Lloyd did not win nationals, however, he fenced well against some very good fencers. And he also fenced poorly and lost to at least one fencer he should have beaten. Also, I actually witnessed him winning a bout.
    Lloyd is still telling Jodi about fencing.
    Lloyd likes fencing.

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