50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 47

“Hi, again, wicked, gorgeous, unimaginable vastness of the universe.”

Ok, I admit, I was sitting here with zero ideas for a 50 word fiction. I even thought I’d write the fiction first, and let the theme come out of that, but nothing happened. Blank screen. Then I read Mark Morford’s latest article, about the Kiwa hirsuta, the blond, blind new mysterious crustacean that has been discovered. I wasn’t inspired by it, per se, but more by a sentence in the article. “Hi, again, wicked, gorgeous, unimaginable vastness of the universe.” Oh the amazing things we do not yet know, and have yet to discover. Take out of that what you will, if you chose to play this week.

Just to be Sociable I’ll Take Your Word*

He craned his neck and watch the object soaring above him.

“Is this it?” He asked. “Have I seen everything now, now that I’ve seen an elephant fly?”

They ducked as the pachyderm dove into a deep swoop and then up again. She took his hand.

“I doubt it.”

*From “When I see an Elephant Fly” from the movie Dumbo.


3 thoughts on “50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 47

  1. I typed it without thinking.
    I paused.
    It couldn’t be. This has never happened before. Surely it was a mistake. Maybe I should call the authorities? News media? Fellow bloggers? This may be the greatest achievement in my life….
    I stared back at the screen.
    Yep, I spelled “received” properly.

  2. William says:

    so few people wanna back the proposition to change the name from St. Patrickís Day, to Saint Pakistanís DayÖ It wasnít just the irish, most people seemed against it, But what did you exspectÖ these people are racist bastards. Screw them all, squares on all sides.
    Four more make fifty

  3. Thomas says:

    Discovery was nothing new for Tamara. Often times, she’d find another universe in the flecks of dirt under her fingernails. She was always appreciative of the awe in which these miniscule inhabitants worshipped her. In the end, the antibacterial soap washed away all remnants of their existences in humiliating betrayal.

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