
Thank-you, cake is my world!

You know, not a lot of interesting things happened last week. We had a retirement party for someone on Friday. That was nice. There was a funny bit of video done for it, but I did not appear in it. By design. The fact that I did not appear in it, did not detract from it’s amusing nature one whit. I did not work closely with her, so I stayed out of it. But I didn’t have any of the chocolate cake or alcohol. I think we should just be proud of me for not attending the end of the day party in my normal manner. Which is to say, when we have afternoon parties around here, which we often do, I like to attend them from my car. On my way home. In spirit.
So I did a lot of day dreaming this weekend. A gave a good amount of time and energy to it. I think I have a certain knack for it. I’ve always lived a large portion of my life in my head, I think. Unfortunately, it wasn’t terribly useful dreaming. That is to say, it wasn’t like I came out of the day dreaming with fabulous stories to write and share with people. It was that sort of “if my life were better it would be like THIS” day dreaming. It usually involves a considerable loss of weight, an increase in income, and the appearance of one, or two, of my favorite characters from different books. Oh, and my apartment is cleaner. And much larger, and in a much cooler location. With a washer and dryer IN the apartment. But still with a my own covered parking spot. Sometimes, it’s a house!


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