
I’m sorry… you are using a what? A Mac? You are not using the Window? Oh… ma’am.. I am going to have to transfer you to a mac tech? Do you understand this? Do I have your permission to make this transfer?

I have so little faith in technical support. You know why? Because I deal with it every day. I suppose I’m jaded. In the same way a doctor probably makes a bad patient, I make a bad technical support customer. I would like to get on the line and just demand a senior tech from the get go. I’d like to just interrupt their little speech and say “umm… yeah, I use a mac, so go ahead and transfer me, because you aren’t going to be able to help me.”
Riddle me this, if I’ve just signed up for a new ISP and DSL service, and this service, unlike every other service I’ve used, is occasionally unable to connect to a server via an email program, a server that is fully functional and accessible via a browser…. who’s support issue is this? The host of the fully functional web server? Or the ISP/DSL service provider. Yeah, that’s what I thought too. I mean they didn’t even have me ping the server to verify functionality or check my Authentication settings!!! Amateurs!! [not that it was necessary, I’ve done all those things. It’s just… meh.]


2 thoughts on “I’m sorry… you are using a what? A Mac? You are not using the Window? Oh… ma’am.. I am going to have to transfer you to a mac tech? Do you understand this? Do I have your permission to make this transfer?

  1. I don’t have much faith in tech support, either – partially due to the fact that the ex worked tech support for several years, early in our relationship, and more recently because if it wasn’t for THEM, we would not have had to do a destructive restore, on this computer. Yeah, losing pictures, and such was my fault, for slacking on backups, but still, we shouldn’t have had to do it – damn tech support people (notably Microsoft, and HP)!
    Oh, and as for the plumbing problems – I feel for you, I really do. My parents have a septic tank, and we had one summer, when I was young, where all hell broke loose, and we didn’t have use of our toilets, showers, sinks, etc. UGH! I hope it’s fixed soon.
    Yay on the trash service, and more importantly, the new big trash can. It’s weird, I know, but I adore those can!

  2. jodi says:

    i’m being a tad unfair … in the sense that it very well may not be a verizon issue. actually, it’s probably not. well, maybe. but the fact that he asked no questions, gathered no facts, just simply pronounced it outside of their support boundary, without really determining if it was annoyed me. i let it go because i could easily tell that he could not help me.
    not to be TS elitest, but… ok, I am tech support elitest.

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