
Eight is my favorite number

A test was sent out to mr-snotty today, it was a Dante’s Inferno test. Find out what level of hell you are fated for. I ended up at the Eight Level of Hell. The EIGTH LEVEL OF HELL!! There are only nine levels, kids. And in the 9th resides Satan himself, Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. The worst sinners of all. And I am their upstairs neighbor? If that was not bad enough, Evildeb is going to the Third Level of Hell. No freakin’ way. Not possible. I couldn’t figure out what I did that was so evil, that I belonged on the 8th level.

And then I took a look at what I was drawing in Illustrator:

Ratings for Satan’s Bookclub. Additionally, ask me what I did today. Go on… ask me. I officially registered I guess I had forgotten that I had signed up to be Hell’s Librarian. I guess the Library is in the 8th level of Hell.


10 thoughts on “Eight is my favorite number

  1. Jodi says:

    Louise… thank god, that must be it. Of course we are on the 8th level, that’s where the library is, and Satan wants us close to him.
    i made Evildeb take the quiz again, and I even went over some questions with her, she still got level 3.

  2. i’m on level 3 with Evildeb. and here i was hoping i’d be closer to the library. (i was thiiiiis close).
    can’t wait for my Hell’s Library Card! *tee hee*

  3. Jodi says:

    Well, for all of you who did not make it down to the 8th level, where we REALLY like to party, I’m sorry. Never fear, we are a welcoming bunch, we’ll invite you to our drunken, fighting, feasting, lying, cheating, stealing, orgies. As soon as we have the vomitarium installed. [well away from the library, of course]
    loon, louise was most impressed with the idea of hell’s library cards, so you can look for those soon.

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