movies and tv

How would Christ benefit from me putting my tongue in someone’s mouth?

As Dr. Stevil just said, “something good did happen today.”

Orgazmo is finally out on dvd, with tons of extras and drunken commentary!

Hooray hooray! Are you Sancho? No you are not! Neither is Scott Baio Sancho.

Everybody say “Geddy Lee!”


25 thoughts on “How would Christ benefit from me putting my tongue in someone’s mouth?

  1. What?!?! It’s out? Finally! Oh happy day! I’m gonna have to get me that.
    Does it have Choda Boy’s lab, on it, like it was originally supposed to…?

  2. I just looked, and didn’t see it listed. =( Maybe it’s on there as an easter egg, or something cool like that. I sure hope so.

  3. Ok, I am such a bad little uber – when I first read the title, I knew that I knew it, but it didn’t dawn on me that it was an Orgazmo quote. Of course, I realized, after reading the first line of the entry, but…….what kind of Trey and Matt fan can I be, when I don’t even recognize their quotes, anymore…? I’m so out of touch.

  4. Oh, I know that. I just can’t believe I have gotten to the point where I didn’t immediately recognize the quote.
    I don’t want to sound like a queer, or anything, but I think Depeche Mode is a sweet band.
    Ok, I’ve still got it, somewhere in the recesses of my brain. Phew!

  5. “Well, you two boys can just fuck right off.”
    “You heard me. Take that Book of Mormon, and shove it so far up your righteous asses that you choke, you soul soliciting pig fuckers.”

  6. Yes, Drink Jack, it is a funny movie, very funny. I mean, c’mon, look at all the quotes we’ve posted – how could they come from a movie that wasn’t funny?
    You must go, and rent Dogma, and Orgazmo, and watch them, this weekend. It’s your homework. =)

  7. Jodi says:

    YES! you must watch them both. back to back. and then you will prepare a 300 word report for us, comparing and contrasting the main characters relationships with god in both films.
    “dad, i don’t think i am going to do my hamster style anymore”

  8. arifa says:

    wow – i have seriously forgotten most of this movie. i just might have to add it to my netflix queue.

  9. Jodi says:

    not many have seen orgazmo. it was a limited release and it’s not easy to find a video to rent. because it’s NC-17. It came out a loooong time ago, I know because I will still working at the print shop, and I’ll celebrate my 6 year anniversary here next month. This is the first time it’s been released in DVD. we’ve waited a long time.
    if you enjoy orgazmo, you should give “cannibal the musical” a try. it has a great drunken commentary. and if you enjoy THAT, why, you are practically part of the uberbrain!

  10. I can’t wait to check out all the various commentaries on the Orgazmo DVD, especially the drunken commentary. If it’s even half the drunken fun of the Cannibal commentary, then it’s going to be a scream!

  11. A 300 word report? You should know by now that I am not that articulate. But the challenge is there. Most find DVD first. Then paper, pen, brain.

  12. arifa says:

    when people are about to watch cannibal, i tell them that they will think it is the stupidest or funniest movie they have ever seen (and probably both). i think it’s even funnier than orgazmo, but maybe that is just because i’ve seen it more.

  13. Jodi says:

    ok jack, fifty words but you have to bake us cookies. or pancakes. cookies or pancakes. only round foods. pizza, cookies, pancakes. one of those. or pie. pizza, cookies, pancakes or pie.
    you can get orgazmo on netflix.
    i tell the the same thing, fee. it might be more fun simply because of the songs.

  14. Liloo says:

    Got my copy in today from Amazon. This is like Uber memory lane. I’d forgotten all about Choda Boy’s Lab.
    I wonder what Dian’s doing now.

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