4 thoughts on “So you beat up a fat guy in a tux?

  1. you know, you are not supposed to beat me to the cool SUPERHERO stuff!
    i love justin long. he does shy, awkward, heart-on-sleeve well, but i’d like to see him play a different sort of character sometimes. (note: did not see him in that horror movie- he could have been diffy there.)
    and why is that new harry dresden novel NOT numbered and simply part of the universe? is it out of order in the storyline or something?

  2. Jodi says:

    well, if it makes you happy, i THOUGHT of you right away when i saw it.
    you know what? you should be friends with my friend dr. stevil. … the one who spontaneously bought me the wonder woman book? he’s taking friday off to see star wars. are you looking for a snarky gay boyfriend, because BOY do i have one for you! you’ll have to share, tho… i still need him for comic books, shoe shopping, mac geekiness and making fun of co-workers.

  3. he’s going on friday?! what kind of fan is that? i’m gonna be there midnight tomorrow! MUHAHAHAHA!
    wait, i should do some vaderish heavy breathing instead of maniacl laughter. vader doesn’t really do that. did you ever notice?
    anyway, i’m all for new friends, especially ones that spontaneously buy wonder woman paraphenilia for their friends. we’ll need to build up a solid friendship prior to the release of all the new ww merch that is bound to come out for the new movie.
    [hello dr stevil. um, sorry for challenging your jedi fanhood above. bygones.]
    gotta go. need to figure out how to successfully do the hair bun thing. it might take awhile. 😉

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