50 Word Fictions

Then and Now: Episode 13 A Joker’s Trifecta

I was chatting with Christine today, explaining how my worst nightmare happened on Friday. No, not the showing up naked to a final exam late, and finding a spider on my seat. The one where you accidentally include someone in an email they should NOT receive. And you find yourself stuck in the middle of a conversation that should take place between two other people. Not to mention the fact that you now feel bad for anything and everything you said. Christine said, “That’s a place you find yourself a lot, isn’t it? The middle?”
“Yup. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Hmmmm…. I wonder if anyone has done a cover of that song?”
Yes, they have. I found several, but two I could not resist. But first, the original.
Stuck in the MIddle with You – Steelers Wheel

I am not familiar with Dale Ann Bradley, but she is a bluegrass/amaericana artist, and she released an album this year called “Old Southern Porches.” Which happens to feature a very happy cover of “Stuck in the Middle with You.” This version will be particularly enjoyable to Christine, who loves country, and Lloyd, who loves the banjo.
Stuck in the Middle with You – Dale Ann Bradley

I was all set to just go with that cover, when I found this one, done by Juice Newton. William loves the Juice. So I couldn’t resist including it for him.
Stuck in the Middle with You – Juice Newton


5 thoughts on “Then and Now: Episode 13 A Joker’s Trifecta

  1. Was it just me or was Dale Ann Bradley going at 78 speed. Let’s make a 4 minute song in a buck thirty. At least my toes were tapping. Sometimes a banjo is just what a person needs.

  2. Jodi has outed my shameful secret. I love country music. It’s sick, I know but I just can’t help myself! LOL I admit the Dale Ann Bradley version is speedy but I am such a sucker for bluegrassy stuff I don’t mind it. Juice’s version isn’t bad either.
    Who would call themselves Juice anyway? Juice-y maybe but Juice?

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