
Urgant Birthday Update

Tessa and Louise just called from work to sing Happy Birthday to me. And to inform me that apparently, ironically, someone is attempting to share my birthday with me. It would appear that THE MONKEE claims today as his birthday as well. Yes! It’s true. I didn’t believe them at first, but I guess it’s true.

It doesn’t matter, I had it first. They say he’s younger than me. When I am done squeezing whatever birthday joy there is in this day, he can have what is left.

I wonder if anyone has told Amelia.

Amelia, evildeb

Amelia experiences Cube Rage

Amelia: what are you doing? why are crying?

Jodi: *sob*

Amelia: Stop it! I find that noise unnerving. Combined with all the non-stop chatter that goes on here.

Jodi: *rolls her eyes* I just can’t win. It’s my serenpidity.

Amelia: Don’t you mean serendipity?

Jodi: No, I mean serenpidity. The occurrence and development of events by chance in a stupid or pitiful way.

Amelia: Did you make up that word?

Jodi: Evildeb did.

Amelia: And what are they doing in the cube next to you?

Jodi: sigh, getting ready to move someone in.

Amelia: Wasn’t this supposed to be the outer Mongolia of cube locations? Isn’t that why you picked it?


Amelia: Settle down, killer.

Speaking of rage, I think we experienced a near melt down here over the last couple of days, when they quit restocking diet soda pop in the cooler. The diet pepsi was the first to disappear, my drink of choice. I transitioned smoothly over to diet dr. pepper. Then the caffeine free diet coke went, and the CFDC people started drinking regular diet coke and things became a bit tense. But when that was gone, and all that was left was diet 7-up and diet dr pepper, people got mean. Louise said someone was snippy with her because she took two diet cokes out of the cooler at the other end of the building, leaving only one behind. I couldn’t blame them, she took two.

“I was really thirsty!”

S’ok, now. The appropriate beverages have been restocked. And everyone can just calm the freak down! Ok? People?


Amelia finds herself at a loss

“….. “

Amelia: Do you hear that?

Jodi: Hear what?

Amelia: the silence, coming from over there. I don’t hear a toadying sales pitch.

Jodi: I know! He’s gone, my brother.

Amelia: Gone?

Jodi: he’s moved. The monkee has been caged in an office and the door is shut.

Amelia: Shut up!

Jodi: Would I lie, my brother?

Amelia: No, my brother, about this you would not lie. Hmmm…. now what am I going to do?

Jodi: I don’t know. You want to learn javascript or something?

Amelia: Maybe. Hey… let’s talk about boys.

Jodi: Only if you have some secret divine boy understanding you care to share.

Amelia: Oh forget that, then. By the way, does that new guy behind you ever stop talking?

Jodi: sigh


Amelia and the Phonetic Code

“What?! You are kidding me! Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot!”

Amelia: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Me: I don’t know….

Amelia: W T F

Me: Ohhh! What the Fuck. That must his way of saying “What the fuck?”

Amelia: Sierra! Hotel! Uniform! Tango!

Me: Uniform! Papa!

Amelia: hee! Uniform papa.

VERY IMPORTANT NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT: The monkee will be moving…. tomorrow!!

I do think I am moved to do a little dance!

Amelia, shopping

Amelia and shopping for gay socks

Amelia: What are you doing?

Me: I am chatting … with all my many online boyfriends.

Amelia: Really? How many online boyfriends do you have?

Me: oh, about 7. or maybe 9.

Amelia: Uh-huh. And how many of these online boyfriends know they are your online boyfriends?

Me: oh, all of them. They adore me.

Amelia: Jodi… how many of these online boyfriends are real?

Me: uhh…. real?

Amelia: Yes, as in they exist outside of your imagination. You are chatting with Deb, aren’t you?

Me: Shut up!

Amelia: About case notes, you are chatting with Deb about case notes.

Me: You ruin everything!

Amelia: You know you have issues, don’t you?

Me: duh. I’m talking to a poster!

Amelia: Exhibit A for the prosecution.

Tonight Dr. Stevil has plans to go sock shopping with his friend. They are attending a brunch at the house of a friend who has recently redone his floors. Everyone has to take their shoes off. So they are going shopping for killer socks.

Me: That is so gay!

Dr. S: I know! Isn’t it great?

Me: Only gay men and girls would… no, you know what? Even women would not go shopping for special socks in this situation. They would think about their socks, make sure they are clean, don’t have holes and match what they are wearing. But they wouldn’t go shopping for special socks.

Dr. S: What about when you went to Vegas? For the Las Vegas Pajama Party. You shopped for special pajamas.

Me: That’s different. That’s an entire outfit. These are socks.


Holy birth of Christ Day, Amelia!

We join the monkee as he attempts to sell someone the latest version of my software.

“And the latest version of [jodi’s software]? Holy Christmas!”

Amelia: Holy Christmas? What does that mean?

Jodi: I don’t know, I guess he means it’s really really great.

Amelia: so great he cannot come up with a logical exclamation?

Jodi: I don’t like him talking about my software.

Amelia: Wait, don’t you want him to sell it?

Jodi: Yeah… it’s just…. it’s non-denominational product! Separation of church and software!

Amelia: Ahhh….

Jodi: Don’t push your Christian holidays on my software, it was made by people of many faiths.

Amelia: Holy politically correct Winter Festival that adheres no no one specific religious belief!

Jodi: batman.

Holy Christmas is now the interjection of choice among members of my department.


Amelia and the miscarriage of justice.

“Dude! He got off! He got off on all counts. Yeah.. all of them!”

Amelia: what’s he yelling about now?

Jodi: hmm? Oh, the Michael Jackson trial. He was found not guilty of about 900 counts of child molestation.

Amelia: was he really innocent?

Jodi: I doubt it. It’s not normal for grown men to have slumber parties with little boys.

Amelia: but why is the monkee yelling like that?

Jodi: He’s probably excited to have a reason to yell, to hear his own voice. Plus, he probably wants to be seen as hip, being the first to tell everyone.

Amelia: That’s not hip, that’s sad. The whole thing makes me feel ookey.

Jodi: Yeah. Besides, at least two people told me the verdict before he started yelling. I’m way hipper than he is.

Amelia: Word.

Amelia, evildeb, work

Evildeb thinks I’m crazy, Amelia is striving for more, and Louise is on a boat to Russia.

After Evildeb responded to a managerial request with a buttload of information:

Jodi: Hello ball! I’m Deb, and I am going to be on top of you now.

Evildeb: I fell off right after

Jodi: louise did that a couple of weeks ago. she was sitting on my exercise ball… fell right off. hit her head on the desk. i hope you didn’t hit your head on the desk. 

Jodi: hey… my eye is twitching, it won’t stop. it was doing that last night too. does that mean i am crazy?

Evildeb: Yes.

Jodi: whooo-hooo!  good-bye rational thinking!!

Louise is on sabbatical now. At least I hope she is, the last thing I heard from her was a totally stressed out email on Saturday. If everything went according to plan, she flew home to Scotland yesterday. Then she and her mum are going on a Scandinavian cruise. So I kinda hate her. Not kinda…I do. She’s going to St. Petersburg and I’ve always wanted to go there! Since way back when it was Leningrad! Not fair. She’s also going to Sweden, probably Stockholm. And Coppenhagen, Amsterdam and something German. Can’t remember what. I told her to bring me back something Russian. Like a sailor. Hoo-boy! I’m going to miss her. I’ll have to find someone else to come and visit me every day and tell me how hard it is for someone like herself to deal with the “regular” people. That’s my girl!

Amelia: Why is he so excited, and loud, today?

Me: Beginning of the quarter… fresh clean sales slate. He’s “striving.”

Amelia: “Striving?”

Me: Yes, he’s rilly rilly striven.

Amelia: Is that a word?

Me: Look it up.

Amelia: Do you see a dictionary in this poster with me?

Me: Sheesh… you used to be such a striver, too.

Amelia: I could strive your ass off, kid.

Me: Word.


Jodi keeps a long story quiet

I finally broke down and went over to the monkee cube and told him to keep his voice down. He was on a call, at the time, but was getting all riled up. So I pantomimed “Can you please lower your voice?” No response. He looked at me, with a fairly impertinent look, I might add. Nada. Perhaps he didn’t even know what it was I was trying to say. Maybe that look was confusion. But I think I shocked him enough to lower his voice. And now I am a hero. The high fives are coming fast and furious, kids.

It’s only temporary. In fact, the shock has already worn off. But I can’t hear him through my headphones right now, and that’s an improvement. That’s kind of my litmus test. Surely, if I can hear him with music playing in my ears, the person on the phone is suffering aural pain.

You want to shoot yourself? Go look at our weather for the next five days… sunny and 80’s!

Amelia: unnecessary.

Me: yeah, I don’t need to see a weather report..

Amelia: we already want to shoot ourselves!

Me: Amen, my brother!

Amelia and Jodi: *snicker*

Besides, it’s not even true. Saturday and Sunday look like they are going to be in the upper 60’s.

Amelia, evildeb, work

Amelia keeps a long story short.

Mock-monkee-speak has become so common place in our vernacular, I don’t even notice I am doing it sometimes.

Evildeb: Hey! What s’up, man?

Me: Hey! Not much,. S’up with you, my brother?

Then we ask other people “what s’up” and they wonder why we laugh when they answer.

Me: Hey! What s’up, Amelia?!

Amelia: Do not speak to me in that manner.

Me: Whoa… chill out, my brother.
