dreams, uber

Now, to unleash screaming temporal doom!

Basically, I’m pretty comfortable living alone. I’ve done it for a long time now. I’m good at it. A little spoiled with it, in fact. But there are times when it would be nice to have another human being in the house. That’s usually when you wake up from a nightmare. And your house, which is normally a comforting quiet and dark at night, all the sudden has strange noises that concern you. Noises that sound vaguely boogiemanish. Noises a serial rapist clown would make, if he were breaking into your home with his giant clown shoes and red rubber nose. At times like these, you do the best you can. If the cat is sleeping on the bed with you, you pat her and let her know it’s ok, clowns aren’t really that scary. If the cat is not sleeping with you, you call out to her repeatedly until she hops up on the bed and lies down on you. And purrs. And then, of course, you pull the comforters over your head and repeat the protective mantra “go back to sleep go back to sleep go back to sleep!”

But last night was a doozie… I woke up screaming. I can’t remember ever doing that. Waking up with a yell or a shout, yes. But waking up screaming? No. And I can’t even remember what happened in the dream, because so many weird dreams came after that one. Including the one where I come to work in my white, terry cloth spa robe. The one I like to wear after taking a shower. Not as bad as coming to work naked, of course, but people do still look at you oddly. Anyway, in case you’ve never woken up screaming before, let me clue you in, it’s very unsettling. And the cat has no interesting in comforting you because you’ve scared the crap out of her. Pulling your covers over your head is not enough. Your normal mantra won’t work. Instead you have to sing “This Little Light of Mine… I’m Going to Let it Shine,” over and over. And you hear yourself ask the question you’ve never dared ask yourself before, “why didn’t I marry a NRA card carrying professional wrestler when my momma told me to?”

Speaking of scary, you should go see what happens at Marie’s house when she shoves a can of beer up a chicken’s butt and serves it for dinner. Tasty! No, seriously. It looks yummy.

evildeb, movies and tv, uber

That’s why I decided early on to sabotage my highly scientific brain with cartoons and sugar.

Remember the spiders who go potty on your teeth? Well, there is a regular spider potty party going on on my teeth right now. Don’t tell my mom. Evildeb made cupcakes over the weekend. She’s trying to get rid of all her topping doo-dads. You know, sprinkles, sugar, candies… stuff like that. I think she wants them out of the house. So these cupcakes had multi-colored sugar granules sprinkled on top, as well as flowers built out of m-n-m’s and little white candy ball thingies. I was unable to determine what flavor the frosting was, because it tasted like Sugar Frosting. Like butter and brown sugar and rainbow sugar. It crunched. I don’t think any more sugar could have been added to it. It was pretty good.

Evildeb: How as the cupcake part of the cupcake.

Jodi: it was… interesting. Did you make up this recipe yourself?

Evildeb: No.

Jodi: You know what it tasted like? It tasted like, a bit like… bran.

Evildeb: now, you see, I only had whole wheat flower and I was trying to decide if you could taste the difference.

Jodi: Yes, you can.

Evildeb: so you got a bit of extra fiber…

Jodi: and that’s nice!

This weekend, because I have such an exciting life, I noticed that my netflix “friend” Lisa had more movies rated than I did. And I could not let that happen. So I sat at my computer, rating movies until I had over a thousand movies rated! Ha-HA! take that, Lisa! She only has 446 rated. Even Arifa has more than that! Evildeb has the fewest. But now that she knows I did that, I imagine she’ll sign on and rate more movies. Because she’s competitive like that. Unlike me.

Did you know they now have chocolate Lucky Charms? They do. and they are goooooooood.


Ick factor

At first I thought I was just being overly sensitive about my boundaries, but I checked with Fee, and she agreed with me.

Jodi : my mom sent an email inviting me to easter brunch, and she used her pet name for her husband, and his for her, in it.

Fee: ewwwwwwww

Jodi: ha! I knew it wasn’t just me!


My family is very open about things. All kinds of things. Things that normal families don’t always talk about, especially with their offspring around, no matter how old she is now. Whenever that happens, I put my hands over my ears and yell, “BAD BOUNDARIES!! BAD BOUNDARIES!!” Pet names? Blech. I don’t need be part of that, do I?

This was not unlike the other day, on the überbrain, when my arch nemesis, Liloo Multisuck, told Fee that no matter what she wore to her husband’s black tie business affair, her “smile was her best accessory.” BARF! It’s just that the pet names are “blech” with a bit of “ick” in it, and Liloo’s comment was “blech” with a twist of “oh please.” And an eye roll.

That is not to say that Fee does not have a stunning smile.


Wednesday is fish sticks. Green lime jello for dessert.

Fee is coming to visit me tomorrow, from Pasadena. We have a self imposed three day weekend of fun coming up. Not entirely sure which specific items of fun we are going to cover, from our list, except for one. Fee is a foodie and there will be Ba Me for lunch on Friday. A dish so beloved by those who visit me here, that we have a picture of it.


Those are Fee’s actual fingers holding a bowl of Ba Me, the last time she had some. Coming in a very close second is the Lime Leaf Thai Fajita Dish with the Little Bowls of Stuff. I don’t remember the real name. We also have a picture of that.


hang on… it’s called Mieng Kham, found the Kaosamai webpage.

The only reason I needed to show you pictures of food? Because I’m supposed to be cleaning house for her visit. Feh. This was more important.
