
Dear So and So…

Dear So and So...

Dear uterus,

Stop it. Just stop it. You know what I am talking about.


Dear allergies,
See above letter to uterus.
Mouth Breathing,

Dear Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding In My Fridge,

I’m coming to git you!

Dear Canada,

I like you. Do you like me? Let’s be friends! Please… just let me in.. I promise you won’t be sorry.

Living in my home, but not my native land,


Dear Thursday Night Season Premieres,

Were you good? Were you exciting? Were you everything I hoped you’d be? I don’t know. I can’t watch you yet because Wm. is having a PS3 Marathon Party with his buddy visiting from the island. I won’t be able to watch you until Sunday.

That goes for you too, Dollhouse.

He’s just lucky he didn’t do this on Monday,

Laundry Detective

I just put two loads of laundry in downstairs. Air invited us over for dinner and I wanted to wear my new Corner Gas Bad Ass Black Uniform shirt. Wil has the Corner Gas Regular Ass Blue Uniform shirt. I mentioned it on Facebook, but neglected to mention our afternoon in Rouleau SK, town where they shot Corner Gas. Oh, all right, here is a picture, you’ll notice I am wearing yoga pants and a big tshirt, pretty much all I packed, besides the black dress, for what we thought was a short trip for a funeral. Don’t worry, the doublewide has a washer and dryer.


But I digress! I meant to talk about laundry. So, yes, just put in two loads. All three dryers are running. I don’t know what it is, something about the way they are spinning, and the fact that it’s 10:30 on a Friday night, but I have a feeling that these clothes belong to someone who just figures it is so late, they can get their clothes in the morning. You know what I mean. I hate that. I don’t want to touch someone else’s undies, even if they are clean. I think they clothes all belong to the same person because all three washers were set on hot. Which also makes me think it’s a boy. Because, really, you don’t need to use hot all that often. Only for whites, really. The chances of 3 individuals doing 3 separate loads of white laundry seems quite high. So either this person has a shitload of white clothes, or they are not that laundry smart. Boys are usually the ones who do not pay attention to dryer times.

Of course I could be wrong, as the floor of the laundry room is not flooded. You see, if you start all three washers at the same time, they will flood the floor. It’s washer #1 that’s the culprit. There is a sign that says you must wait 5 minutes between each washer start to avoid this. I ignore this sign, as I never use washer #1, only #2 and #3. Whomever washed three loads of clothes in hot water at least must have waited 5 minutes between washer #1 and washers 2 and 3. This implies a certain adherence to rules and common courtesy of communal living.

I admit, I’m perplexed.

I also admit that this is a typical activity, physical and mental, for me on a Friday night. I’m a regular barrel of monkeys.


Labor Pains

In order to properly celebrate Labor Day, I cleaned the kitchen yesterday. Not the half-assed job I normally do, either. I really cleaned. I used a mop AND a Swifter Wet Jet.

I wonder if the Republicans know the Socialist origins of the Labor Day holiday. Do you think they’d go to work on Monday, in protest, if they really knew? Look it up. Wikipedia even said that it was originated in Canada! But that’s wikipedia. Still, hi-five, Canada!

I have all the big plans for “after Labor Day.” The whole back-to-school / Labor Day weekend time is a sort of quasi-new years to me. And I have not been back to school in a very long time. But the feeling never goes away. I need knew clothes and some new crayons. Not to mention a new backpack.

Anyhoo, like I said, I have many many plans. So many plans that you’d think I was setting myself up for failure. But they are really all part of one big plan. And there is no failure in this one big plan. It’s intense and holistic, I’ll have to create a graphic to explain.

That will all have to wait a few days, I’m afraid. We are leaving tomorrow morning for Calgary. Wil’s mother passed away this week. I would to officially remind that bitch, fate, that I requested we NOT have anymore funerals. That instead we have job interviews and fancy parties. WTF, fate?


Team Buffy

It’s no secret that I am NOT a fan of “Twilight.” I read the first two books, I don’t know why I read the second, I guess I thought maybe it would get better. I should have stuck with my first impression which was “Yuck!” 

I’m not even talking about the quality of writing. I could, but I’d have to go back and read it. I’m just talking about the over all feeling of “ewwww,” I got from reading it. And the shock and dismay I felt when hearing that Wil’s 11 year old daughter was reading it. I know enough about books 3 and 4 to hope she doesn’t make it past 2. 
In addition, I am a firm believer that when it comes to vampire mythology, my mythology (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) could kick their mythology’s ass. I found this delightful on both levels. As Buffy says, girls don’t usually find stalking a turn on.

Additionally, now that they’ve restocked the sizes, this shirt is soon to be mine. 


The sun is trying to kill me

I hate summer. Maybe hate is too strong a word. I will tell you this, I like summer more when I have air conditioning. However, for the last 21 years I have lived in a part of the world that just does not commonly put air conditioning in homes. Because it just doesn’t get “that hot” that often.

Bullshit I say!

I don’t do well with heat. And it’s sunny and hot today. It was sunny and hot yesterday. It’s going to be sunny and hot for days. Other places in the country(ies) might not consider 80 that hot*. But they have air conditioning in their homes. I’d fork over the few hundreds to get a portable a/c unit, but we are kind of poor right now. And I just spent nearly a thousand dollars on having more teeth removed from Pru’s gum diseased mouth. (get your pet’s teeth cleaned. trust me, it’s cheaper in the long run.)

Other people might consider today to be a beautiful day. While they marvel over the appearance of the sun here in the PacNoWest, they seem to be completely unaware that the sun IS TRYING TO GIVE THEM CANCER!!

I’m the only one who understands. The sun is trying to kill us.

*I bet they consider 80 degrees to be hot in Canada because they use Celsius and 80 degrees C must be a BILLION degrees F.


Oh man, did I break it but good.

I have a terrible problem with procrastination. I am always waiting for things to be perfect in order to do something I want to do. The weather, my mood, my health, my environment. It’s too loud, too quiet, too sunny, too grey. And these are things I want to accomplish… honestly. I guess I am intimated by the process in some cases.

Today I was contemplating my blog redesign I’ve been planning/desiring/threatening/sitting on for months now, and I was reading Zen Habit’s Dead Simple Guide to Beating Procrastination. Specifically Number 9: Forget about perfection. Just start doing it, and fix it later. In the spirit of that, I have removed my template and applied a Movable Type template. Over the next few days, I am going to be adding content back to the site using their new Widgets methodology. I wanted to do some cleaning up of the sidebars anyway. After the content is the way I want it, I will be changing the over all design.

If you are an RSS subscriber, this won’t make much difference to you, unless you comment. Perhaps I could just redo the whole thing on a clone blog, perfect it, and then do a grand unveiling. But it’s that kind of ambition that has made me put it off this long. I learn by doing things, and I’d rather just jump into my blog, and get started. Even if that means some construction messiness for a couple of weeks. I won’t want to leave it in a generic template for long, so it’s bound to motivate me to finish.


Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu

Oh my goodness, it’s New Year’s Eve. How did that happen.

Tomorrow is our big holiday dinner with some presents, as our original Christmas Part Deux, on the 27th, was postponed due to la neige. Wil’s daughter is here, she just helped me finish wrapping my xmas gifts. I rolled and baked cookies, she frosted and sugared them, and there is a pumpkin pie in the oven as we speak. We are basically having the exact same meal I cooked last year.

In the mean time, everyone have a Happy New Year! If you are out now, be safe.

See you in the Oh-nine.

PS: It’s official. I have started playing WoW again. Oh dear.
