
And now I find my Sunday is completely open….

This morning I woke up early, couldn’t go back to sleep. So eventually I gave up, got dressed and went out to run errands. I went down to “Babies R Us” to buy presents for my cousin Kirsten’s baby shower tomorrow. She’s having a boy. I was put into a coma that only the übercute can cause, I must have been in their an hour trying to find baby clothes that satisfied me all levels. It had to have that baby cuteness, something that would make people say “awwwww!” But it could not be so cutesy it made me gag. Couldn’t have too many cute critters on it. Couldn’t say something stupid like “Future Golfer.” Had to be soft. Preferably with stripes, because i love them so. It’s not as easy as it sounds. I wanted a pair of plain osh kosh overalls, hopefully the stripey kind. But no. And all the overalls I found had stuff all over them. I could have handled turtles, but when they also said “I love Mommie!” it made me cringe. But finally, I found some tiny baby stuff that I loved. Ummm. it had lions and it had giraffes and it had other animals and stripes. and it was blue. soooo cute! Widdle socks. Widdle hat. Lots of money.

So I came home super proud of myself for getting that present the day before, instead of the day of – my usual procedure. I worked on my review, I took some quizzes, I answered some email, and then I decided I deserved a nap. At 2:45 the phone rings and I hear my mom leaving me a message. Where am I? They thought I was coming to the shower? It started at two. The shower was today. And I had felt so ahead of the game, for once! So I threw on jeans that did not have a hole and took off. I decided the House of Skulls t-shirt was ok, because it was clean. By the time I got there, all the strawberries for the chocolate fondu were gone, but there was still pound cake. And pineapple.

In addition to having a baby, my cousin Kirsten is planning her wedding in October. Which may seem backwards, but we don’t care about things like that in my family. It just seems like so much… planning for a baby in June, planning for your wedding in October. More than I could handle. Kirsten is on the petite side, and has always worn high heels. Shoes I could never walk in. Her feet are permanently on tippy toe, like a Barbie doll. But today, 7 months pregnant, she was in flats. Which is so strange to see.

Kirsten: I could have handled the heels, it’s just that I am so hot lately, I couldn’t bear to put on shoes, so I went with flip-flops.

My mom Pattie: It’s ok, Kirsten, you don’t need the fuck-me pumps anymore.

Jodi: bwwhahahahaa! My mom said fuck-me pumps!! She’s been watching too much Sex in the City.


Yeah, snarky, you know, from the ancient Greek, meaning butt head.

I told myself that I could go hang out in Barnes and Noble, when I finished my review of “Down on Ponce” for Satan’s Bookclub. But instead I am taking personality tests that I got from Suzy. By the way, “hanging out in Barnes and Noble” is code for “grabbing a large stack of books, sitting in one of the comfy chairs, browsing through them and leaving, after buying some or all of them.” I am having trouble with my review because a: I’ve never written one and it is not coming naturally to me and b: “Down on Ponce” is really hard to sum up and/or describe. What will most likely happen is, I will work on the review, but not finish, and go to Barnes and Noble anyway. Because I’m weak. And spoiled. And lacking in discipline. And a bunch of other fun things….

Your Inner European is Dutch!

Open minded and tolerant. You’re up for just about anything.

Who’s Your Inner European?

You Are a Snarky Blogger!

You’ve got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.

And that’s why they read your posts as often as they can!

What kind of blogger are you?

Seriously? Are bloggers scared of me? That’s awesome. Grrrrr
