
I did not achieve this position in life by having some snot-nosed punk leave my cheese out in the wind.

My punk rock little brother, Josh, is investigating low cost vasectomies, because he doesn’t want to “breed.” And I’m ok with that, I understand he doesn’t want to have kids. But I think a low cost vasectomy is a bad idea. Besides, most doctor’s won’t give a one to someone his age, he’s too young. He insists that he really really does not want to have kids. Also, he insists that the world is going to end in 2012, as predicted by the Mayans. So why have kids. Makes sense, so I made a deal with him, if the earth still exists in 2013 I will get him a vasectomy for his birthday. His 31st birthday, Feb. 2013, if he still does not want kids, I will buy him a vasectomy. In the mean time, it’s condoms. Everyone here is my witness. [I’ll start saving because, no offense Ancient Mayan culture, but … have you met Nostrodamus? You guys would get along great.]

Any money he makes that can be used for a vasectomy should be set aside for his teeth. Or to attend to vegan culinary school.
