
Ok everyone, raise your hands if you love sluts!

God dammit, I’m scared of America again.

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and all UW schools may be denied access to birth control if a bill proposed by State Rep. Daniel LaMahieu [sic] becomes law. If passed, the UW Birth Control Ban bill will prohibit health care facilities on campus from dispensing, advertising or prescribing birth control to adult female students. LaMahieu proposed the bill because he feels access to birth control “encourages women to be promiscuous.”

What if it does? What if it does encourage women to be promiscuous. Who the hell does he think he is to sit in judgment of us? When did our government become the shepherds of female morality? Fuck you, Mr. LaMahlieu. And be sure to keep that morning after pill from rape victims, while you’re at it. You pompous, arrogant, over compensating, presumptuous, uptight, misogynistic, conceited little prick.

Ok, I’m done. [fuckwit] I should be able to lay off the profanity now. I realize my potty mouth is what garners me all the interesting search phrases. [assclown]. No….. sorry…. I can’t seem to move past the name calling stage. [prissy little cock sucker] Aaarrrrghhh!!!!

Now it’s my patriotic duty to be slutty, doesn’t he understand that?

link from This is not over.


Henceforth and from now on, I decree that whenever something bad happens to me, there shall be bunnies around.

After work today, Louise and I ate comfort food at Johnny Rocket’s and worked on the review for Down on Ponce, for Satan’s Bookclub. I was struggling. Never wrote a book review before. Usually, I just talk shit about stuff. Now I was trying to write a review, and BAMF… nothing. We made progress and I’m going to let it simmer over night and take a look at it again, in the morning.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble. *grin* I bought some new books to read. A Factory of Cunning by Philippa Stockley and Devil in a Blue Dress by Walter Mosley. I don’t know which one to start first. Of course, I am also re-reading Lamb, as it is the book selection for the bookclub of Satan. [In case any of you were thinking about joining in.] It’s one of my favorites, so it’s no hardship.

And so ends a tiny bit of book news, from an otherwise uneventful day.
