I was thinking...

I was thinking…

that my favorite time of day, year round, is twilight. An ambiguous moment, impossibly lit, when the whole night of possibilities lays out before you.

When’s yours?


7 thoughts on “I was thinking…

  1. Twilight is quite different from Dusk, although Dusk is equally lovely. Both are nicer than ‘Early Evening’, yet hold not a candle to ‘Eventide’. And then there’s ‘Happy Hour’…
    I love ‘Morrow’. We coined it from Romeo and Juliet. It means after midnight, when you haven’t quite gone to bed yet.

  2. i like twilight and bedtime, and morrow sounds good, but i think “moonrise” is my favorite.
    did anyone see ladyhawke…their favorite time was when the day changed to night, and night changed to day…and then when there was an eclipse. haha.

  3. I adore dawn, if I’m awake for it. Early morning is so peaceful.
    Sunset is lovely too. Oh, and in the summer, there’s that moment after the sun goes down when the air starts to cool. That first breath of cool air is so wonderful…
    Hi, by the way. I just found your blog this evening, when I was googling for pictures of mieng kham and found your post back in march about ba me.

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