I was thinking...

I was thinking…

that I might not be the best fit for a corporate environment. Today I got a hot dog for lunch at this specific hole in the wall food stand, just so I could come back to work and say to everyone “Hey… you guys, look what I have for lunch! I got a wiener from the Fun Hole!!”

What do you think? Would you hire me?


10 thoughts on “I was thinking…

  1. Jodi says:

    hey… you shouldn’t have to resist. i am the one who came into work showing everyone my wiener that i got from The Fun Hole.

  2. I’d hire you… Executive Vice President of Wieners, Fun Holes, and Frostitution
    (err.. maybe a shorter title… that’s awful big to try and squeeze onto a business card)

  3. Okay, the real question here, is why did anyone call their place of business the “FUN HOLE”? Also, perhaps it would have been much worse had you said “EvilDeb and I went to the Fun Hole for weiners!” Or, “EvilDeb and I shared a weiner at the Fun Hole.” You get the idea.
    Next time stick with a Turkey Sandwich.

  4. Marie says:

    BWAHAHAHAHA! Now that made me laugh, Kitty, because, “Turkey Sandwich” has a different meaning, in my household. It stands for….uh, well……I’m sure you can figure it out. =)
    Oh, and I’d definitely hire you, Jodi!

  5. Jodi says:

    Dan, I am adding that title to my business cards. If they ever talk me into getting business cards.
    you can hire me river, but i am not going to watch parts 2 and 3 of lotr.
    i think, kitty, that it’s called the fun hole because it is, literally, a hole in the wall of a building. the building that houses the store “deluxe junk.” they only sell dogs of various types, ice cream and lemonade.
    I had every faith that YOU would hire me, Marie. 🙂

  6. It is not that you bought a weiner and proudly proclaimed it at work. What makes you so special is the fact that for the next few hours you continued to play with the weiner, dressing it up is various costumes and posing it with the other office “toys”.

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