
Then and Now: an Episode 11 Hat Trick

This week’s Then and Now is a three song episode. A Hat Trick, for those who do not know, is when a single hockey player scores three times in a game. This week’s song is a classic from the Guess Who, a Canadian band, “American Woman.”

I’ve had a cover version of this song for a while, and was sorta keeping it on hand for back up. But then William sent me this version. Since William is indeed Canadian, I asked him if this song reminded him of me. He tried to explain to me that there was a deeper meaning to the song than just fear of American women. Socio-politico economico stuff. But I know the truth… American women? They are gonna mess your mind. But no one ever said you wouldn’t like it.
American Woman – Butthole Surfers

The is the cover I had originally. I still really like it, because it’s from a scene in Austin Powers when Heather Graham is dancing in hot pants and go-go boots, and that is a look I think needs to come back. Besides, Lenny is just cool.
American Woman – Lenny Kravitz
