
Mmmmm… only thing better than TiVo is… TWO TiVos!!

My NaNo word count is still below 1,000, and I have not yet finished my script. Yesterday ended up being a very busy day of meetings, and I had little time to work on it. And, as it sometimes happens, I got too close to the couch, and the TiVo, and lost my evening to an archive of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. And South Park. And Law and Order: SVU. And last night’s CSI watched in real time. Damn my comfortable, but dilapidated, couch with it’s stripey flannel comforter and multitude of cushions. And damn you, TiVo, for being the bestest, most useful, most enjoyable, most valuable invention of the 21st century. Wait, when was TiVo invented… Google check!! … oops, 1997. Ok, well then, it’s definitely the most fabulous thing since 1996.

This means I have a lot of writing to do this weekend. However, I currently have two laptops with me, so that should help. Twice the writing!

50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 31

Continuing our seven week theme of sin, today’s theme is envy.


Look her, lying there. warm under the blanket. I hope she understand what it is I go through, just to afford her this lifestyle. The long hours, the mind numbing job … she spends her days relaxing and admiring her good looks.

What I wouldn’t give to be my cat.
