
Dear Neighbors, may I have your attention, please…

It is over. I repeat, it is over. It is now time to take down your Christmas lights, or at that very least, turn them off. Look, I appreciate their twinkly beauty as much as the next girl. I do. But Christmas lights after New Years Day? That’s just gauche. You don’t have to take them down, lord knows I’ve kept a Christmas tree up until April a time or two myself. Leave them up all year, save yourself some time, I don’t care. Except for you, guy with the Christmas choo-choo train in your front yard, that thing needs to go away now.

If you must decorate your home, take a tip from local merchandisers, get ready for Valentine’s day. V-day lights? Why not? It’s never too early to decorate. It is, however, occasionally too late.


You girls wanna buy a squirrel? They make crackerjack pets!

Well kids, turns out a dead squirrel only buys you about a half an hour of high speed internet access. Just enough to tease you. While, there are plenty of squirrels running around the pacific northwest, I think I am going to have to find another way to make it work. It’s just… icky. When the connectivity disappeared, I just had to walk away. I’d had enough. I went and watched something called Television. I don’t know what the fuss is all about, it’s ok, I suppose. I think it has potential.

Here I go, I’m gonna call me some tech support….
