50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 40

Last night, I worked like hell to get asleep. It was an epic battle. Only to have it last but a mere hour and 15 minutes. A little after two, I woke up and realized I had no cat food. And I could not get over the fact I had no cat food. That I would have to go to the store, get some, come back and feed Pru, before I went to work. I realized that I would never get back to sleep in this state. So I got up and went to the store.

When I came home, I fed Pru, even tho it wasn’t really breakfast time. But we were singing the cat food song. it goes like this:

Does it come in a bag?

Is it something crunchy?

Do they call it ‘cat food?’

Then it is for ME!

If you want to hear me sing the cat food song, you have to come to my house and give me $50. Ok, I’ll do it for $20, but you still have to come to my house.

The point of all this is, today’s theme is “3 am.” My fiction to arrive shortly.

Three A.M.

She looked outside the window at the night. It wasn’t snowing outside, but it was storming in her head. Like a snow globe, their conversation had shaken her emotions, and she knew she wouldn’t sleep until they all settled, gently, into their new terrain. Everything was different now.
