
I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.

I know there is a lot of concern about me buying a bike. Which bike to chose, is it the right bike for me, is it worth the money. I want you all to rest assured… the chances of me actually buying the bike are slim. Last week, I was looking at cars to buy. The week before, I was looking up spa vacations in exotic locations well beyond my budget. I seem to be going through a phase. Anyway, Louise did purchase that bike, and I will ride hers before I do anything. Let’s face it, the chances of me riding my bike a great deal are not good. I’m not going to buy one unless I think I will ride it. We’ll see.

In the meantime, go look at this necklace and tell me what it says to you. I’ve quizzed a couple of people… it’s kinda like a Rorschach test. But with jewelry instead of ink blots. I’ll tell you what it says to me tomorrow.
