Louise and I are going to a book signing tonight, at Cupcake Royal. Mmnmmm…. books and cupcakes, all in one evening. So much goodness. We are going to hear readings from Dr. Frank’s brilliant book:
I’ve know I’ve told you before to read it, but let this be a reminder to you.
We have another reading next week, to hear Craig Ferguson read from Between the River and Bridge. I think the theory here is that, if we get books signed, Craig Ferguson should hardly be impressed with Louise’s Darling Scottish Accent, seeing as he has one himself. She’s ok with that, however. Ever since Robert Crais broke her streak, she’s been a bit more humble. Although having Christopher Moore remember her from last years signing didn’t help.
Oh just wait until you hear about the blog fodder I have lined up for you kids in June!!
how did it go? lazy fans want to know!
Books and cupcakes? That’s how I envision heaven. Oh, and have you read Ferguson’s book? I’ve heard good things.
Ok, I will read King Dork, if you liked it chances are me to.
i want cupcakes! i will be making some this weekend i hope.
King Dork, just started fun stuff.
Damn, I better stop reading your blog you are changing my habits. 🙂