
Why does it have to be spiders?

I have a question. What’s with all the spiders in my bathtub. How do they get there? Do they come out of the spout? They must, because I really cannot picture them coming in the front door, scuttling their way to my bathroom, looking at the tub and thinking “This is IT! This is the perfect place for my spider home!”

But, if that is the case, how come I don’t have spiders coming out of the spout when I turn the water on? Never. Not even one.

I don’t know… I just wonder about stuff like this.

In other news, for those of you who are Frank Black fans, or Pixie fans, all the fans over at frankblack.net have contributed stories to an ebook, End of Miles. Wil’s got a story in it. He’s a big Frank Black fan. Actually, he’s a FAN. In all caps, bolded and colored red.
