
I wonder wonder wonder wonder who taught me how to talk like that.

Reading’s latest Chart Attack put this song in my head.

Boz Scaggs reminds me of summers at my father’s, in Walnut Creek California. Especially the summer he married my stepmother. It reminds me of his ’73 Oldsmobile convertible and ice cream and the BART station and of walking along the railroad tracks to 7-11 to buy candy. Ahhhh… candy. The currency of youth.

KMTT – a radio station in Seattle – sometimes plays a live, acoustic version of this song, recorded in their studios, I believe. Truly, it’s that version of the song that is stuck in my head. I would give anything to get my hands on a copy of that version. It’s so cool.

Anyway, since I’m up, this is the song that is stuck in my head.

Lowdown – Boz Scaggs


What’s for dinner? Chicken? Again? Oh, ok.


I’ve been away from the computer for a few days because Fee was here to visit me from Pasadena! Yay! We had a great time, and it was good for me to get out of the house and do things. And I had some truly terrific frozen yogurt at a place called Blueberry’s in Vancouver. I tried to find a link, but guess what happens when you do a search for “blueberrys” and “yogurt?” Well, first, goofle wants to correct your spelling (and can you blame them? I meant to type google. whatever.), but even if you don’t let it, you get more recipes than anything else.

Listen, if you are looking to have a super great house guest, ask Fee to come stay with you. She makes you homemade Macaroni and Cheese!


I like grain

What color is your soul painted?


Your soul is painted the color yellow, which embodies the characteristics of joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, gold, hope, liberalism, sociability, friendship, death, courage, intellect, confidence, communication, travel, movement, attraction, persuasion, and charm. Yellow is the color of the element Air, and symbolizes the sun, grain, and the power of thought.

Personality Test Results

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Quizzes and Personality Tests

music, William

Answer? So Fucking Wifey

I can’t sleep and it’s almost 3:30. Wil’s alarm goes off in an hour and half. I was lying there … not sleeping… when I thought to myself, “How fucking wifey would it be of me to get up and make Wil a sammich to take to work today?”
I hope I am coherent enough to tell him about it when he says goodbye in twoish hours.
Anyway, since I’m up, here is the song that is stuck in my head.
Adam and the Ants – Zerox
