So far, and it’s only the 11th, this is the best thing I’ve figured out about 2011: How to read library books on my iPad.
When I first bout the iPad, I could not find a way to read library books on it. I had a feeling that would change eventually. In an attempt to live up to my “living like I’m broke because I am” resolution I decided to look into this again. And voila! There it is. How to do it. I don’t have to write it all out again, do I? You can just follow the link if you are interested. It’s easy peasy.
The best thing about the library is, I’ll take more chances with books if they are free. Yes, I might read an entire series of moderately crappy books, but as long as I am entertained, who cares? They are free. I am not reading a moderately crappy series right now, I’m reading “Gone, Baby, Gone” by Denmis Lehane, Book #4 in a series of books with detectives Patrick Kenzie and Angie Genaroo.
Speaking of reading, I’ve decided to try to read 150 books in 2011. I’ve joined a Goodreads group that lets you set your own goals, if I make it to 150 before the end of the year, I’ll just move myself into the 200 books group. I think I’ve finished 14 so far. Click on the link in the side bar if you want to see the books I am reading.
Ok, that’s it. I had not posted since the 4th, and since I am trying to strengthen my blogging musckels, I decided I had better check in. Now I shall go back to playing WoW and watching it snow outside while my Fireplace blu-ray dvd crackles on the tv. Cozy!
I draw a numer 1 over the zero on my screen, it wasnt very bright as now I have a 1 drawn on my screen, can I barrow your white out?
I fixed it.
what can I say-you rock!! I looked at the link just for grins (since I think I am “safe” at least until the new ipad comes out…) and now have a library book on my iphone!! thank you for helping my frugality…at least until the new ipad is announced…
Glad to see you blogging again.
150? My children would not permit that. Ever.