Author Archives: Jodi
Well that was a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday, don’t you think?
We left Thursday morning, at 8, because I was paranoid about the border. In fact, I did not sleep a wink that night. I tried and tried, but at 5 am, I gave up and took a shower. From then on, I paid close attention to the border cams. My goal was to avoid any holiday traffic. We had one car in front of us, that’s it. I don’t know if it got worse later. I do know it probably sucked on Black Friday. I read somewhere that Canadian shoppers start hitting the border about 3 am to make it to the stores down in Seattle that open at 5 am. I bet the border is a mess.
Came home Sunday night. It’s bitter-sweet for me. I am a person who really does not like to spend too much time away from home. I can’t think of a time I was not happy to arrive home from a trip. I like to be surrounded by my stuff. My tv, my couch, my kittens, my bed. But I like the way I feel when I am down there.
I like being close to my family, especially right now. And I love that every day I had something I wanted to do or somewhere I wanted to go. There were people there who wanted to spend time with me. I am surrounded by familiar things that I’ve known for the past 21 years. Things work the way I expect. Like Dr Pepper at am/pm and (I think Wil would like to live in the States simply for
I feel more alive and vibrant down there. More, for lack of a better word, liked. I guess 19 years in one city will do that for you.
Nonetheless, the kittens were ecstatic to see us. (Pru has been following me every where I go, since we got home.) My bed is the most comfortable bed in the world and it’s good to be home.
American Things, besides our Thanksgiving, that Wil got to see:
- Downtown Seattle at night, decorated for Christmas.
- West Seattle
- Bellevue Square Mall, especially Macy’s.
- PF Chang’s for lunch.
- Ruby’s Diner for lunch.
- Beer for sale at the grocery store.
- “The Road” at a matinée price of $8.
- My family and friends, although technically Louise is Scottish.
- Restoration Hardware
- My uncle singing Christmas carols in the fake snow at Pacific Place with his Barbershop Quartet.
He did not go to Target with me.
Happy American Thanksgiving
I specify because I have two now.
It’s a little early here. I didn’t sleep at all last night, I figured if I made until 5, and I was still awake, I’d get up. We are heading down to my mom’s this morning. I was hoping to leave by 8. I think I’ll have no problem making that goal. As long as I can get Wil up and going in time.
Here is a list of just some of the things I am grateful for:
- I’m able to go home for Thanksgiving this year.
- Someone else is cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Yay mom!
- pie
- The cheap gas and the prevalence of Dr Pepper available via soda fountain that I will be enjoying for the next 4 days.
- Christmas decorations.
- My husband’s passport, which allows him to travel with me.
- The diet pepsi that is going to help me make it until I cross the border and have access to the afore mentioned Dr Pepper.
- And of course friends and family… blah blah blah. Mooshy.
There is so much more. I could make a pretty long list because, for the most part, I am very thankful for my life.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you eat too much pie. I know I plan to.
Take me home I-5.
I wasn’t back in the states more than 20 minutes before I was asking myself why I left in the first place. Oh yeah, fell in love with a boy. Man, I sure do love it here. I haven’t even travelled across the bridge to Seattle proper yet. Been spending most of my time in the Woodinville – Bothell – Kirkland area. So gorgeous. All the evergreens mixed with fall foliage.
The one thing that would make it perfect is for a certain boy to be down here with me. And the kittens.
Going here helped.
I decided that the best way I could help my cousin Kirsten through this horrible time was to ease her spirit a bit. And make sure she has baby soft skin. So I am taking her to the naked lady spa on Tuesday. Where she has permission to cry all she wants to while she soaks in a hot pool for 45 minutes before someone spends another 45 minutes scrubbing the sadness and death off her. Even the sadness hiding in her butt crack. I don’t know, maybe that’s not what most people would do for a grieving widow. But it sounded appropriate to me.
Ok, yes, I get to go as well. But I might have some sadness hiding in my butt crack too.
We are quicksilver, a fleeting shadow, a distant sound… our home has no boundaries beyond which we cannot pass. We live in music, in a flash of color… we live on the wind and in the sparkle of a star!
Wow. The blog has been silent awhile, hasn’t it.
I’m leaving for Wa tomorrow. Not as expected. I’m going to be traveling down without Wil. There has been a death in my family, and it’s important that I go and be with the people who need me right now. Death in the family is one of the emergencies that should allow me to travel alone, and still get back into Canada. Hopefully.
Wil does not have his passport yet, it should be arriving by registered mail on Friday the 6th. So he will be coming down on the 7th and we’ll drive home together on the 8th. So I will be with my husband when I get back to Canada, however, not the entire time I travelled. Nonetheless, my lawyer said I have a good reason. Worst case scenario, I will not be let back in. At this point, I am very close to getting my VISA. It would suck, but not as much as if it were six months ago or last year.
I did receive my work permit. On my work permit it states “Application for PR status has received initial approval.” PR = Permanent Residence. That works in my favor as well.
I don’t feel quite as excited as you’d think I would feel. Well, one – it’s a death in the family. And I am quite shocked and saddened right now. Two – I am paranoid. I think I will always be paranoid until I have my visa. I’m quite sure that Wil will get tired of all the strategizing I will do next week, via email, on his entrance into the states. “If they say this, answer that. Don’t say this unless they ask. Carry X,Y and Z with you. Make a copy of that thing.” And so on. Why I should worry about his entrance into the states is beyond me. Canadians come down to the states ALL THE FREAKIN’ TIME. Plus, he’s a grown up. Maybe because things went all wonky for me coming into Canada two and a half years ago, I’m always going to be a freak about it. I hope not, because I have hopes for us going back and forth as we like many times. God forbid I turn into some kind of anal retentive freak about it.
Three, I will miss him. I always thought when I got married I would have to marry someone who is SUPER understanding because I would be FIERCELY independent. None of that mooshy stuff when one of us had to travel with the other. But it’s been two and a half years of pretty much constant companionship. One time, Wil went to Victoria for a couple of nights without me. But other than that, not a day has gone by, you know? So, I’m really going to miss him. I’m already missing him and I haven’t left yet. Turns out, I’m mooshy.
He, however, will probably beer drinking no pants boy parties with video games and cigarettes and no girls allowed.
Ok, let’s just get this over with and then move on.
I have a confession to make. I’ve avoided talking about it because, oh I don’t know, SHAME. And the hope that it would all just magically go away. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the past year. Summer of 2008 I was the skinniest I had been since Jr. High. But by summer of 2009 I had gained a great deal of the weight I had lost on the diet I started 3.5 years ago.
I never believed I would gain it back. I thought, not me, if I start to gain even a little weight, I will nip that right in the bud. Well, I not only nipped it, but I ate the entire bud. So to speak. I can break my weight gain down into three phases.
Phase One: Wil’s schedule changed in summer of ’08, to a 2pm to 10 pm schedule. On the one hand, I was THRILLED I did not have to figure out what to make for dinner each night. Sometimes I would make something that would leave us with leftovers that Wil could take to work the next day. However, this meant we were both eating a lot more crap. A lot of snacky and fast food. His schedule went back normal in the fall, but the damage had already begun. I had lost interest in preparing healthy dinners.
Phase Two: I discovered French Toast flavored bagels at the Safeway. I ate them ALL THE TIME. They smelled just like french toast or pancakes. But the taste was much more subtle cinnamon/ maple. They are delicious. Before Wil’s schedule changed back, I would sometimes eat nothing else but these bagels all day. During phase two, I attempted to go on Weight Watchers. That was in November. But I decided I would like to start making Christmas cookies instead. Of course, then I would eat them and have to make more.
Phase Three: In reality, all phases are affected by the return of my depression. I do believe that was the biggest culprit into my weight gain. Some need to fill the emptiness I felt with bagels, cookies and tiny cherry pies. It never works. So I started a new antidepressant and INSTANTLY gained 20 lbs. I kid you not. BAMF! Weight gain. I went on Weight Watchers again and lost 1.4 over five weeks. I gave up. I went off the pills to try without their side effects, but the physical symptoms were too bothersome. I could psych myself out of the mental, but the physical ones were taking their toll. Additionally, Wil and I were eating these delicious Angus Beef Hot Dogs all summer. We ate them regularly for lunch, sometimes for dinner when it was hot. We’d stick them in the toaster over and cook them until they were crispy. Man, they are so good. And big, you had to use a hoagie roll because they were too big for hot dog buns. It wasn’t until recently I looked at the fat content. TWENTY FREAKIN’ GRAMS OF FAT! And we ate them like candy.
And there you have it. I put off saying anything about it. I am back on Weight Watchers. I wanted to have a bit of success before I blogged about it. The first week I lost 1.2lbs, which was disappointing as the first week is usually your biggest weight loss. The 2nd week I lost another 1.2lbs. But this last weigh-in was a loss of 2.4lbs. Weight Watchers yelled at me for losing more than 2 lbs a week. That felt nice since I know I ate over my points that week. (early birthday dinner.)
I had to bring it up because it is part of addressing that physical spoke on the Wellness Wheel. And because being overweight has a ripple effect across your entire life. So it’s bound to show up again, in future blog posts.
Happy Thanksgiving
To my Canadian friends and family.
Lipgloss and Laptops
- Bring the products I am reviewing with me. It’s easier to read names off the bottle than on the tiny list I made on my iPhone. Also, smell and texture is important, and should be available for Airdrie to experience as well.
- Airdrie and Kerry Anne make it seem so easy., but I imagine that 143 episodes have honed their skills. It sounds like easy conversation. People like me, first timers, should probably sit down and write some bullet points, thoughts on the products. You think it would be easy to discuss whether or not you like something, but “I like it, it’s good” is not compelling podcast content.
Random Stuff
I’m just all about joining the blogging games now.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this, but several months ago, Pru quit using the litter box. She will pee on a puppy pee pad. And, when we are lucky, she poops there as well. My cat is toothless and voids her bowels wherever she wants. It’s like having an infant.
I sole this from Delmer. The Telegraph ran a poll, rating men of different nationalities on their skills as lovers.

All the immigration hassle makes sense now, eh? Git it, I said “eh” because I live in Canada now. (Don’t worry, American men, it’s just a stupid poll. From Europe! It’s not your skills as a lover, but rather our foreign policies that are to blame.)
The author of the book I reviewed on Satan’s Bookclub, Frank Portman, linked to me, well, SBC, from his blog. I feel all warm and fuzzy.
I am thoroughly enjoying this season of House, as naturally I would. Has anyone checked out Modern Family? It’s hilarious.