From Andy.
Author Archives: Jodi
Stuff you don’t see if you drive everywhere.
Walking from the auto glass place to the SkyTrain station.
Also, Wil and I are having a debate. He wants me to park out in front of the building now, on the street. So the car is in plain sight. I don’t think that is a good idea because we live on a very busy street and, frankly, the drunks get a little rambunctious at night in this neighborhood. I could just see some drunk kids looking at my car and screaming “fuck you american!” while they key it up.
Today is a test
Just when I was getting ready to be all grateful and positive and shit, someone broke into my car and stole my iPod. And Wil’s phone. I know… I know, I never should have left it down there. Normally I do not. They were not in sight, at least.
Sadly, neither one of them are covered by my auto insurance. The window is, but I will have to try to convince them they need to just reimburse me, rather than try to send one of their guys out. Since I am in Canada and all. The paint damage will have to wait until I can go back down to the states.
So, how to be grateful and positve about this? Well, I have a car in the first place. A really great car that runs top notch, has a sun roof, and is completely paid for. I’m so grateful for that. And I have the cash to pay for the window. So that’s nice. And on the positve side, Wil hated his phone, but we had no practical reason to replace it. Now we do. And I hated that window, it was always smudgy. It had fingerprints and a bad attitude.
Guh. I’m trying here.
Happy Thanksgiving Canada!
We are not having a Thanksgiving Dinner. I made one last year in October, but not November. I think this year I will make one in November.
- A: Thanksgiving dinner is a lot of work.
- B: Wil doesn’t care about the holiday and try as I might, I just cannot feel Thanksgivingy in October. On a Monday. Before my birthday and Halloween.
a – b = no Thanksgiving Dinner. We are having a special dinner. I bought two out-of-our-budget steaks, which are now marinating in a chipotle tabasco sauce. And while I did not make a pie, I bought one. I caved. But you’d better believe we’ll be thankful for those steaks.
Since it is Thanksgiving, and my birthday is in one week, I have decided to play a game called I’m So Grateful for that this week. The fact is, the world’s been bringing me down lately. Everywhere you turn it seems gloomy and doomy. The banks, the economy, the environment, the landfills, the immigration issues, the housing crisis, Sarah Palin, our crappy apartment, and I’m getting really sick of Stephen Harper’s face. I’m afraid my thinking has been very negative and pessimistic. And that’s not good for me. I know the warning signs.
So I’m going to force myself to think more positively. Every day I’ll try to turn my thinking around. Today I’ll start small with just mentioning how grateful I am to have food on my table and a warm house in which to eat it. And the kittens. And whipped cream in a can, love that stuff, eternally grateful for that. With a grand finale of why I Am So Grateful to turn 41 on the 19th. It’s going to take me a week to figure that one out.
Oh god, I fixed ecto…
I am so happy. Basically, I needed to fix permissions on a particular script in my MovableType folder. So I guess I actually fixed MT.
Anyway, this is a test.
October is a fine and dangerous season…
This is my current desktop. I’m in love with the quote.
If you are looking for a nice calendar desktop for the month of October, this is where I got it. There are plenty to chose from.
Sharing is caring.
Just to make this clear.
I’ve voting for Obama. I’m fairly certain you have figured that out about me. I don’t talk about politics that much, but when I do, it’s pretty obvious which way I lean. Not only am I voting for Obama, I’ve actually had NIGHTMARES about Sarah Palin.
So, keeping this in mind, if you have political tendencies similar to mine, you should find Drink At Work’s Partisan Hacking HEELARIOUS. If not, you won’t.