Canada, William

Leaving Town

Wil and I are leaving town for a few days, and we aren’t going to have internet access.
GASP! No, it’s true. We are spending some time on the coast and there is no internet access and no phone. There’s a TV because we aren’t CRAZY.
In the meantime, here are my new granny glasses.
I know what you are thinking, no so different from the old glasses.

But you are wrong cuz these are PROGRESSIVE. And metal frames, rather than plastic.



So I started playing Spore yesterday. I think I lost a good 7 or 8 hours to it. I’m just going to bullet point some thoughts because I am starving and there is no food in the house and I told Wil he could play Spore today when he gets home from work which is in 50 minutes so if I don’t get something out now, it won’t be out today.
Yesterday was a bit of a test game. Wil was sitting with me, and we were trying to figure out all the tricks. Next game I will probably kick more ass.

  • First, MAJOR props to coming out with the Mac version at the same time. On the same disc, in fact. I wish they would do this with Sim releases.
  • My peeps are called the Prubugs, and they are red with black zebra stripes. They are vegetarians. Which just goes to prove what the veggies say, if I had to kill my own meat, I probably wouldn’t eat it. What am I saying, I would totally lean to kill chickens. Maybe. I don’t know.
  • It’s just like Civilization but with Monsters. Well, not just like. But the premise is similar.
  • They have a new authentication process going on, so you need to have an internet connection at least every ten days or so, to re-authenticate. It also means that Wil can’t play it on his computer when I am not playing on mine. It’s not a matter of having the DVD in your drive anymore.
  • Like the Sims, it is occasionally painfully slow. Unplayable slow. Even with everything else on my computer turned off. That’s disappointing.
  • Like Civ, I am a friendly nation, for the most part. In tribal mode, I made friends with the Cyan, Brown, Lavender and Green tribes. But the Pinks pissed me off. I tried to be friends, but they wouldn’t have it. So I DESTROYED THEM.

Anyway, like I said, I’m starving, so I gotta hit the Safeway.

Cooking and food

Dinner – it may not be pretty, but it’s delicious.

ingrediants.jpg We are starting a new, healthier, diet when Labor Day is over. Naturally, we are spending the rest of the weekend eating all the foods we won’t be allowing ourselves to enjoy after the holiday. macaroni.jpg
Personally, this means enjoying a few, final, Tiny Cherry Pies from the Safeway bakery down the block. And bread. For Wil, I think it might mean a final six pack of beer, and the sliced pizza at the crappy mall he eats for lunch. Last night, I made the ultimate in evil foods: Homemade Macaroni and Cheese. cheesey.jpg
Delectable, but also deadly. That is a heart attack in a pan. It’s also the best thing you will ever eat, as long as you like cheese. And probably the most delicious thing I know how to cook. Fee originally taught me how to make this dish. The original recipe is from Alton Brown, but we’ve altered it to make it even more deadly, but replacing half the milk called for with sour cream. There is a pound of sharp cheddar and a cup and a half of sour cream in there. Also, I salt my boiling water with garlic salt instead of kosher salt. Cuz I’m crazy like that.
How can something be so good and so bad at the same time? Oh, it could be worse. Alton suggests saving leftovers to deep fry the next day. For reals. Fee and I did that ONE time. It was heavenly. I think we felt at least 3 years of our life slipping away after that meal. Yummmmm.
Tonight we are having french fries.


Blogiversary: Now we are 6

Happy Blog Anniversary to me! It’s been six years now. Every time this date comes around, I have to stop and think how much life has changed. How much blogging has changed. One thing remains the same, I still use Movable Type. [yes, that was for you, Raul. :)]
It was my original plan to have a new design ready for the 27th, but my inability to settle on a particular design has made that difficult. I stress about it late at night when I am trying to sleep, how much I suck. And then I remember, no one is the boss of me. I can do what I want. And I laugh the laugh of the lazy and the procrastinators. Quietly, tho, as to not wake up Wil.
Tell the truth, I think one of the biggest impediments blogging, for me, is Twitter. It’s made me lazy. The mundane events that I used to expound upon for blog posts, now, more often than not, end up in tiny little tweets. I mean, the other day a baby bird pooped on my head, while I was out shopping with Evildeb. In the past, I could have milked that for a good three paragraphs. Now I send out a tweet. I have mixed feelings about that. I enjoy Twitter, and I’ve actually made friends through it, which is awesome. However, I don’t like what it’s done to me as a writer. I’ve been stepping away from it the last few days, trying to let go of my need to compulsively read every single tweet that came since I last checked.
So… anyway.. yeah, a bird pooped on my head. A baby bird. I think that’s lucky. And gross.
Thank you for six years of blogging fun!


I have vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals.

I’ve joked a couple times, in Twitter, that playing tiny mahjong on my iPhone has ruined my eyes. That’s not exactly true. However, I am having a lot of trouble with my eyes.
Over the last few years, reading has become more and more difficult. I’m doing that thing where you hold things far away from you to try to read them. It’s easier to just read without my glasses, most of the time. Some fonts have become so difficult for me to read, I have stopped reading a couple of books because of it. The same thing on the computer, it’s becoming more and more difficult to sit in front of it. So much so that I end up taking off my glasses. Which means I get headaches all the time. At this point, it’s rare for me to sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes at a time. I have no problem with things like watching tv or driving. It’s all about text.
You know what this all means, don’t you? I’m getting old.
Last week I had an eye exam, and I now need “progressives.” Fancier than bi-focals they gradually, and invisibly, progress towards reading glasses at the bottom of the lens. I’m super excited. So excited. To have elderly eyeballs.
Glasses should be ready in about a week or so.

photo, William

Ooops, I did it again.

I’ve often joked that the sole purpose of mobile twittering is to take pictures of what you are eating, and send it out in a tweet. Not long ago I sent this picture I took with my iPhone.


Here comes my only problem with the iPhone so far. I was scrolling through my camera roll last night and there they were, those lovely buffalo wings. I flashed the picture to Wil and remarked how tasty they looked. He agreed, but he might have been referring to the frosty beer in the background. So, because I’m sometimes made up entirely of id, guess what we had for dinner yesterday?


My iPhone makes me hungry. It makes me want things. It won’t take no for an answer.



Last night I sent out a tweet complaint about my immigration lawyer. I’m so frustrated with her right now, I want to scream. In lieu of a scream I sent a tweet.

Someday, I am going to tell the story if my immigration, starting from spring of 2007, ending whenever it ends. For some reason, I am not comfortable blogging about it now. Maybe once I am landed.

In the meantime, witness my silent scream of frustration. That’s all I can say right now.
