
Sometimes the Constitution is just one giant headache.

This is very funny to me. Of course, that could be because I am not a Republican. And, I’m not so stupid as to believe everything is this black and white and all Republicans are evil, so don’t bother trying to engage me in a political debate.

Obviously, these last few posts are lame attempts to “blog” without actually putting any work into it. Shame on me. I will try to have some fresh, wordy content for Monday. I’m attempting to restore some kind of structure in my life.

photo, William

Flickr Photo Meme

I’ve done something like this before, but I’ve had the flu for the last few days, and I figured that copy and paste was about all the energy I had right now. Plus pictures are pretty. Oooooo….

The concept:

1. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.

2. Using only the first page of results, pick one image.

3. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Big Huge Lab’s Mosaic Maker to create a mosaic of the picture answers.

The questions:

1. What is your first name?

2. What is your favorite food? right now?

3. What high school did you go to?

4. What is your favorite color?

5. Who is your celebrity crush?

6. What is your favorite drink?

7. What is your dream vacation?

8. What is your favorite dessert?

9. What do you want to be when you grow up?

10. What do you love most in life?

11. What is one word that describes you?

12. What is your flickr name?


1. For Snowy4052002 (Jodi), 2. New York Steak, 3. class of ’98, 4. Go Green!!!, 5. Cesar Millan and Daddy, 6. The Dr. is IN, 7. Dr. Pepper Museum, 8. Sweet Cherry Pie, 9. For Clarity!, 10. Family Portrait, 11. My Buddy, 12. Mixed Woods


  1. Jodi
  2. Steak and Baked Potato. Mmmmm
  3. Union High School, Tulsa OK
  4. green
  5. I asked Wil who my celebrity crush was, he instantly replied “The dog guy.” He’s right. I adore Cesar Milan. I don’t have a dog, but I am addicted to The Dog Whisperer show. (Wil’s celebrity crush is Kelly Rippa, he lurvs her.)
  6. Dr Pepper
  7. The Dr Pepper Museum. Duh
  8. Cherry Pie
  9. Dolphin Psychologist
  10. My family. Swear to god, I didn’t try to get a picture of monsters, that just happened. 🙂
  11. I asked Wil for a word that describes me and he said “You are my buddy.”
  12. My name is, of course, Jodiferous. It had no images for that, it suggested “coniferous.”
Canada, William

New Downtown Vancouver Apple Store

On Monday we went down to see the new Vancouver Apple Store. Wil had never been to one. And I never miss and opportunity to surround myself with Appley goodness. Well, sometimes I do. We had planned on getting up early on Saturday, which was the Grand Opening. We were going to get in line with all the apple geeks, and hopefully get one of the free t-shirts given out to the first 1,000 people. Because that is just the kinda Apple whore I am. However, I am also the type of Apple whore who likes to sleep in, so it didn’t happen.

This is the 5th Apple store in Canada. Three of them are in Toronto and the fourth is in Quebec. So, finally some west coast Apple love. And here is my official in-depth review of the Apple Store. Are you ready?

It’s bigger than the store in Bellevue Square, smaller than the University Village and NYC stores. It might have been my imagination, but I think it had a slightly smaller selection of software than the stores I have visited previously, but a wonderfully large selection of iPod cases, covers and such. Including some fabulous Paul Frank stuff.

And that’s about it. What did you expect? Ok, it’s gorgeous. But all the Apple stores are gorgeous. I was thrilled to be able to play with an iPod touch with wifi connection. It was good practice for when I get my iPhone. (Oh god, I need one more than ever.) I pulled up my blog on the browser, but I was too chicken to leave it up there for the next shopper. I should have. I suck at self promotion.

I was sorely tempted to by a Time Capsule, but wanted to do more research. Which, I have completed and now know for sure we NEEED one. I had no idea that a Time Capsule could act as a router. I would have purchased one last winter when our Airport Express died. I’m a big fan of back-ups, having lost stuff before. Not to mention Wil’s PowerBook is slowly dying, it would be upsetting to lose everything. ( It used to be my PowerBook and I was hard on it. I dropped it on it’s head several times. )

Speaking of Wil’s PB, we took time to play with a black MacBook and confirmed what we already know – that’s the laptop Wil wants when the PB is gone. Actually, he wants it before the PB is dead. He wants it now. He is starting to run into where he can’t use software because he is not Mactel. Like iLife 08, for example.

We didn’t stay very long. It was pretty crowded and someone wasn’t feeling very well. So we went home and built a fort, with pillows and blankets, on the couch and watched the rest of Angel Season 5 on DVD. And ate sammichs.


Finishing my thought

Yesterday, I made a little footnote asterisk. I do that because sometimes a word or sentence will make me want to lose track. Go off on a tangent. However, I failed to complete my little thought down below. I feel …. incomplete. So here, a day later, is the oh so important digression.

I can’t always remember when something happened, and I often look it up on my blog.*

*Without my blog, and chat transcripts, I would have been unable to answer a lot of the Sponsor Relationship Questionnaire for Immigration, in fact.

Well, that hardly seemed worth it a day later.

Man, all you guys are seriously trying to make me switch to WordPress, aren’t you? Maybe it’s time to test it out again. Maybe.


Me and MovableType 4.x

Several weeks ago, I upgraded my version of MovableType to 4.1something. And, once I finally figured out how to edit some config file properly, it’s been fine. Except for searches. The search field on my blog no longer works. And believe it or not, this is important to me. I can’t always remember when something happened, and I often look it up on my blog.*

There is usually something, with each release, which prompts me to redo my style sheets according to whatever new crazy format they use at the time. It can take a while, but I can usually figure it out, and I end up feeling pretty smart about the whole thing as well. But with 4.x everything is different. It’s not just the style sheets, it’s the whole new template structure. It’s simply beyond my ken. I’m not geek enough to figure out how to move all my content over into the new structure, and change the style sheet to look like I want it to, with my newly mocked out design.

It’s gotten to the point where I warn Wil I am going to work on it, and he knows not to worry when I start yelling “What the FUCK? Where did all the sidebars go? I CHANGED NOTHING! For fuck’s sake!” It makes me so crabby.

On the one hand, I really really want to figure it out. I will feel so shiny and brilliant if I can. Not to mention, I truly do love MovableType, and Six Apart products as well. One only has to look at the Vox blogging system to realize how adorable blogging can be, thanks to these guys. Not to mention TypePad. They are just cool. I’d be all over TypePad, but I don’t need a hosted service.

I’ve been using MT since I started blogging almost six years ago. I like it. I don’t want to leave it.

But for pity’s sake, it’s going to make me crazy. Almost every blogger I’ve met, or that I read, who lives here in the Vancouver area uses WordPress. So much so I figured it had to be made here, but I guess it’s just gotten really popular in the last couple of years. I’ve thought about it. It appears I would have to install a copy for each blog I want to have, and I’m not sure I like that idea. But it’s tempting to know that there are more resources available to me out there for help with WordPress.

I’m going to keep plugging away at it. For now.


You can’t take something off the Internet. It’s like taking pee out of a swimming pool.

I did something today that I have been threatening to do for months. Years, actually. I started swimming lessons. Swimming is the only physical activity I have ever truly loved.

Now, I know how to swim. I’ve been jumping in pools since I was a wee tyke, according to my mother. But I haven’t had swim lessons since I was a kid. I know my form is probably somewhere in the “spaz” range, so I thought I would take lessons. Be all swift like a fishy, and swim laps during the daytime adult lap swim.

Good lord, that sounds like an exercise plan. Armageddon arriving shortly.

My first lesson was this evening and it was AWESOME. Almost instantly I felt all the tightness and tension in my neck and shoulders protesting. Not in a “ouch this hurts you’d better stop that this instant way.” But more in a “hey, if you keep this up we might not stick around” way.


Since I enjoyed it so much, this means I get to go out and buy accessories. I bought a suit a couple of months ago. But now I’m going to get some goggles, and I think I am going to get a swim cap because, even in a pony tail, my hair keeps getting in my face. Oh and a sassy bag to carry my equipment in and probably a special towel JUST FOR SWIMMING. Oh, and that shampoo that gets chlorine out of your hair. I need that.

Because I’m a swimmer now.
