Hey kids. In Canada today. Currently engaging in housewifery and listening to last Friday’s Shake the Shack on KEXP.com. Housewifery and Rockabilly goes hand in hand, I think. When I am up here full time (as of next Friday) I’m going to have to find something else to do as well. Spending my days alone, when Wil works he works 10 hour days, and cleaning will probably make me craz(ier). I’ve noticed I have started calling people on the phone. Just to talk. That’s totally unlike me. I’m a tiny bit worried, but I’m sure I will work it out. I’m thinking of taking deep water aerobics at this, apparently, really nice swimming pool in New West. I really like New West.
But here is my question to you. When I tell people I am moving to Vancouver… well, I guess I am lying a bit because I’m moving to New West, in the “Greater Vancouver Region,” … 90% of the time they say, “Oh I love Vancouver, great food.” Seriously. “Great Food.” Every time. So what I want to know is, those of you who have been here, and love the food, exactly what food do you love? I’m not much a foodie, but I like great food.
Tomorrow I head back down to the states, to finish up on the house. The movers are coming Thursday morning to put everything in storage. I can’t bring it here yet, as I have no status. I was disappointed, but I decided to concentrate on status after I get out of the house. We’ve bought some cheapy stuff to make the place comfortable in the meantime. Thursday afternoon, the haulers come to haul everything else to the dump. It costs more to haul than to move. Amazing.