
29 Days of Blog – Puzzles and Presents

I had some appointments down here in Seattle, so I’m spending the night at my mommy’s. We are working on a puzzle of book covers. That’s the speed at which I roll. I love doing puzzles. 

I like to order things online with the American VISA/Debit card and have them shipped here. So when I am down visiting, there are always presents to open. This time it was my Apple TV (birthday present), a pair of jeans that fit perfectly as is (never happens to me), and a t-shirt. And a pair of pants for Wil.

Obviously I am not lucky enough to have seen Hamilton on Broadway, but I saw the shirt and figured it was meant to be mine. It’s a Hamilton thing. 

So yeah. I fear that my blogs are starting out pretty dull. Hopefully I’ll find my groove again before the end of the month. 


So I’m just sitting here quietly…

minding my own business. Not having much to blog about unless I tell you about my various tv show addictions. Which, I can assure you, I’ll get to eventually. But I did want to show you the new tattoo I got a few weeks ago from my friend, Mr. Moon. (the artist link on the studio website is not working, so I guess I’ll have to get you a link some other time.)

There is a meaning behind it, but I’m not sure I really want to go into it. It was a very personal idea that came to me. It’s on the inside of my left wrist. Glad it was very simple and quick because it hurts a lot more on the inside of your wrist than it does on the back of your shoulder, I’ll tell you what. I believe I actually said, “Ooowwwww!” when we reached the tip-top of the upwards spike.


I have a tumblr.

I’m sorta playing with it. It’s like really lazy blogging. It consists of reblogging what other tumblr users have already reblogged. I’m just messing around. It’s for crap I don’t want bogging down this blog. Which hasn’t been bogged down with anything, crap or otherwise, in months. So it’s kind of amusing I’m worried about it at all.

There is one awesome tumblr page you should check out. Animals Talking In All Caps. Highlarious. For realsies.

My tumblr is jodiferous.tumblr.com. If you tumble, won’t you please follow me. We can be tumblers.

