
Okay. So, ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, huh?

Sunday night I only got two hours of sleep. Not unusual for me. What was unusual was how poorly I handled it yesterday. I was so tired, I was weary. It was like I’d just taken a Benedryl or something. I could not keep my eyes open. I attended a training class until 12:30 and then a meeting after that [I was lying on the floor doing that one] and then I am not sure I accomplished much else. I tried. But I fell asleep at my desk twice. I told Evildeb that I was going to drive to QFC [grocery store chain] to get some stuff I needed.
Evildeb: Why are you going to QFC, why not the Fresh Market [small Fremont market that has since been purchased by small local chain. It has a different name, but we still call it the Fresh Market.]
Jodi: Because I’m too tired to walk up the hill. I can’t do it. It’s too much effort. See? I’m so tired, I’m using my whiny voice.
Evildeb: I noticed that.
Jodi: And look, my head is tilted to the side, because I’m so tired, I can’t hold it up straight.
Evildeb: Either that, or you are just really cute.
Jodi: Bwahahaa! [I mustered the strength to laugh out loud at that because it was so unexpected.]
Which reminds me, I have to tell you the nicest compliment I’ve received in a long long time. I walked up to M-Roo and Anastasia the other day, and did something to make Anastasia laugh. It’s not hard, she laughs freely and often, which is why we like her. Anyway, I don’t know what I did, but I made her laugh, and she said to me that she hopes she still knows me when we are really old. How old, I asked. 80-90, she said. I thought about it later, and that was a really sweet thing to say. It made me feel all warm and sunny inside.
Since I have not been doing much lately, I’ll just have to fill you in on my books and audio books. I’m listening to the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” books in my car, as read by the author. And they are delightful. I read them a long long time ago. And it’s wonderful to hear them read out loud, Douglas Adams is very very good and it and it makes me sad because he is gone. But damn he was funny. So the happy definitely outweighs the sad. There was just something about him, as Zaphod Beeblebrox, yelling shut up to Eddie the Computer… it just killed me. It’s one of your more enjoyable audio book listening experiences. Most enjoyable, I’d say, since I listened to either Jim Dale’s “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,George Guidall reading “American God’s” or Neil Gaiman reading “Coraline.” God bless and my local library. George Guidall is now one of my favorite readers. I’ve only listened to one of the books he’s read. But I trust him, and I know he’s good. Another one I love is C.J. Critt, who reads the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. Jim Dale, who reads all the Harry Potter books, is of course British. And he did such a horrible, unsavory Professor Umbridge, I found myself getting angry just thinking about her. In my humble opinion, Books that are recorded by Recorded Books are higher in quality than other audio book lines. There are exceptions, the Hitchhiker books and Coraline, for example, read by the authors. But, the quality of voices and character is just higher on a Recorded Books recording. “Mirror Mirror” being the exception. Of course.
So… yes. That’s it. If you can’t find a good audio book at the library, go to, because they let you rent them there. So… that’s nice. Aaaaaand, I got six hours of sleep last night, so that’s better. Oh, and I’ve quit doing the riddles on the riddleplanet website, because I was obsessed and could not stop. Even at work, I’d have cryptograms jotted down in my notebook, trying to figure them out doing meetings. It was not good. And finally they annoyed me so much with their riddles that were not proper riddles, I decided it would be best if I quit cold turkey. I did, however, purchase a book of logic puzzles. Because working the one in contest 1 reminded how much I enjoy them.
Well… there you go.
