
Oh, but I love you my little lamb, I must have you. My love is throbbing at quite a fevered cadence.

If you are anything like me, if you do three things in a row at work, without stopping, it’s time to take a well deserved break. Three things in a row? Good gods, nobody is meant to do that many things in a row, without a nap!
I’ve read most of Christopher Moore’s books, and enjoyed them very much. In fact, I would have to say that Lamb is on my list of favorite all time books. I loved it that much. It made me laugh out loud, which is sometimes hard for a book to do. Anyway, I found out he has a webpage and a blog. Although the blog is really more of a BBS posing as a blog. I’ve added it to my list of blog links to right. It’s delightful.
I’m not sure if I have updated you on the poker games that have been going on, here at work. If you remember, a few weeks back, I was set to play poker at lunch, Texas Hold ‘Em. I had never played before. The regular players are me, Anastasia, Lloyd, Mr. Fisher and The Manager. [Yes, I know The Manager’s name, I’m just trying to be all covert and shit. And Mr. Fisher just sounds cool.] Anyway, you could certainly tell I had never played before, because in the space of an hour, I had lost all my money. Or should I say my “money.” We start out each game with a $1000 in chips. Anastasia has real authentic casino poker chips. And in less than an hour… I was flat busted broke. However, I watched some of that Celebrity Poker on the Television, and practiced my iPoker, and I swept the next two games! The winner!! #1!! Unfortunately, the last game was an exhibition game, and did not count in the tournament, but I still won! And like the nice Mr. Loaf says “Two outta three ain’t bad.”
