Out with the holiday theme colors and in with a classic navy and grey. Because.. why not. Sort of a wintery set of colors. Maybe.
Just so you know I could have gone with a Valentine’s Day theme, but I respect you guys too much.
Out with the holiday theme colors and in with a classic navy and grey. Because.. why not. Sort of a wintery set of colors. Maybe.
Just so you know I could have gone with a Valentine’s Day theme, but I respect you guys too much.
I heard my first Ashley Simpson song last night. I had no idea what she sang, or why she was even famous. I just knew that she freaked out on SNL when her voice tape malfunctioned, and people booed her at the orange bowl. So, her song is in a commercial. For shampoo that makes your hair pretty when you blow it dry. Something to do with the heat. And they put her name and the song title in the corner, like it’s a little video, instead of a commercial. And you know what that song is called? “You make me want to La-La.” Wow. Stuff makes me want to la-la all the time. So I completely understand. One time, when I had the stomach flu, I la-la’d every hour, on the hour, for 22 hours straight. It sucked. So, that was my first, and hopefully last, exposure to the 2nd Simpson sister. It bothers me that I am even taking the time to write about it, however the god damn song is now stuck in my head. I was hoping this might exorcise it.
I have that Friday afternoon feeling… like I need to get in my car and go-go-GO. How unfortunate that I have so much work to do. Oh why did I ever grow up?
6:04 pm: EDITED TO ADD:
it worked. After I posted this, I no longer sang “you make me want to la la” over and over. I started singing Better than Ezra’s “Good.” A much better song.
If I make one more post about the weather… that would just be sad. But I can’t help but mention that, according to weather.com, it should be snowing here in about 30 minutes.
On Saturday, Evildeb and I went to see White Noise. I was under the impression that this was a scary scary movie. And I desperately wanted to see a scary scary movie about dead people. Movies with demonic serial killers in stripey sweaters don’t really scare me. Occasionally, they startle me. But that’s their only trick. And it gets old. I wanted to see movie that scared me. I can tell it was a scary movie, if I lie in bed, at night, and pray to fall asleep quickly so I don’t have to think about it too much. And if I can’t, I protect myself by pulling the covers up over my head. Guaranteed to protect you from all sorts of evil. So, White Noise, not a scary movie. I would call it Spooky Suspenseful. And we enjoyed it, aside from my disappointment. I made the mistake of listening to an Alternative Rock Morning DJ, when he said it was scary. And you know, I don’t even like Alternative Rock Morning DJs. I find them annoying. I must have been scanning stations in my car, on my way to work or something. I guess this A.R.M.D.J. is just a pussy. God, I hate those guys.
For scary, Louise suggests the German movie Anatomie. So does Clive Barker, for that matter. [they bonded over this film. that one time, when they fell in love.] But she also states that she’s a wuss, when it comes to scary movies. I have to admit, movies tend to be a bit scarier when I watch them at home. Alone. In the dark. So I’ll add it to my netflix queue.
It has been suggested that those of us with laptops should take them home. In case of inclement weather tonight. So we can work from home, in necessary. But I have no faith in the inclement weather. After being so disappointed last Friday. Nonetheless, I will take my laptop home. Of course, if the entire site shuts down, it’s an automatic PTO day. A free PTO day. In which case, should I work from home? or should I hang out in my pajamas all day reading and eating doublestuff oreos?
oh.. the beauty. it’s too much….i want it so much, my heart is aching. You know, it’s stuff like this that renews your faith in mankind. It’s going to be ok, kids…. I see that now.
God bless you, Steve Jobs.
And so, it’s fairly obvious that….
You are a Geek Girl!You’re competent, eccentric, and proud to be exactly who you are.
Find the Love of Your Life |
![]() |
No, jodiferous.com has not propagated to the new server yet. But I imagine it will do that any day now. But rather, and spectacular genius named Sephira contacted me, and told me how to hack my .cfg file, in order to by-pass cyberpixels’ tyranny. I feel so naughty. I notice that she has the instructions up on her blog, in case anyone needs them.
Thanks Sephira!!
So, I’ve finally decided…. I’m switching web hosts. Let’s face it, there are three things I do with my web space:
1. email for me, fee and tuffkid.
2. the bbs3k – überbrain’s bbs.
3. and, most importantly, blogs. My blogs, and all the überblogs I host.
That being the case, I decided to switch to a provider that is an “authorized partner” with movabletype, livingdot.com. Bonus, I signed up in time to receive a license for MovableType… the big one. As many blogs and as many authors as I want. So all my überbloggers will now be able to use the 3.14 version. As soon as I can convince networksolutions.com to allow me entry into my domain manager for uberbrain. I anticipate that will take about two weeks. Given the fact that every answer I receive from them never actually ANSWERS anything.
I’m still waiting for jodiferous.com to switch over to livingdot.com, and when it does, I anticipate that comments will return! hooray!!
I haven’t been doing much reading lately. I’m going through a television phase. It happens. My biggest distraction is definitely Oz. I’m hoping to receive season 3 tomorrow. It’s a great show. Even if you didn’t get to see Law and Order’s hunky Dect. Stabler nekkid. Completely nekkid. Oh the nekkidness of that show. Let’s take a minute to contemplate it. ……………. ooooo-KAY. However, I will have to wait until Feb. to get season four. Apparently, HBO concentrates on cranking out DVD’s of Sex in the City and the Sopranos, and can only release one season of Oz a year. That is just cruel. Who runs HBO? Who do I talk to about this? there are two more seasons after 4. And you know, a “season” is only 8 episodes! So, like, how hard could it be? At this rate, I won’t be able to see the entire series until 2007! Madness. And why are they so slow with Six Feet Under? I saw all of season 2 when I still had HBO, and that was years ago. Where is season 3?
Another show I just started watching, and enjoying, is Veronica Mars. There’s nothing I like more than a Gal Detective. [unless it’s a Nekkid Detective Stabler.] I wanted to be a Gal Detective, when I grew up. But I have done that yet. Grown up. Anyway, she’s snarky, clever, and a big fan of revenge. I think that show is well written.
I’m not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but my family now knows about my blog. This is my Uncle Jim’s fault, so we’ll take a minute to give him a shout-out. I don’t think anyone knew about the jodiferous.com domain. My email was always sent from uberbrain. Jim’s wily, tho. He went to uberbrain.com, followed a link to one of the ublerblogs, which had a link to mine. And then he told my mom. So what’s a girl to do when her family does, or says, something moronic? Or makes a poor decision? [“poor” meaning something I don’t agree with]. I mean, come on, that’s what a blog is for, reporting these things. I guess I could put a disclaimer on my blog.
WARNING: To All Members of My Family
You guys are great. Seriously. But let’s face it, sometimes you guys do the craziest things. And the things you say? Oh. My. God. How am I supposed to resist. I can’t. That’s what a blog is for. Your names could be changed to protect the innocent, but… who, among us, is really inoocent. So, don’t be mad, or surprised, if I have to brutally honest in my blog. Don’t worry, all my posts are completely objective and unbiased. And, you do good stuff to, I’ll mention that. If it comes up. And you can always retaliate by commenting on an entry. Or writing your own blog. Basically, it boils down to this: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
Love ya! Mean it!
It’s going to snow tonight. They’ve been saying so all week. Evildeb and I have been looking at weather.com. It’s basically going to start snowing at 9pm, and continue on through the night. in the morning, there are a couple of mentions of snow, mixed with rain, but the temps are still cold. Then it will all stop at noon.
And weather.com is NEVER wrong. Here’s hoping for a snowday!!
Technical chats between Evildeb and I often deteriorate into discussions like these.
Jodi: i wish i were psychic.
Evildeb: why
Evildeb: then you’d have to talk to dead people and that would just be more people to talk to
Jodi: cuz i watched that show “medium” and i want to be a psychic consultant. and help people solve the tuff crimes.
Jodi: it would combine my love of mysteries with my love of knowing things that other people don’t know.
Jodi: and not only do i want to be psychic, but i want to be THE BEST PSYCHIC IN THE WORLD!!
Evildeb: I watched it also
Evildeb: but she wasn’t a very good actress
Jodi: she was weird.
Jodi: but i’ll give it another shot.
Evildeb: but I love psychic stuff so I’ll probably watch it again
Jodi: i knew that about you.
Jodi: cuz…
Jodi: i’m….
Jodi: she’s been good before.
Evildeb: yeah, I bet she needs to warm up to tv
Evildeb: it will probably take a while for the show to get good
Evildeb: that happens a lot
Evildeb: I know that because
Evildeb: I’m
Evildeb: a
Evildeb: tv expert
Evildeb: In my class the teacher said we are all experts at something
Evildeb: But legally, to be an expert, the court has to agree that you are
Evildeb: and that requires a curriculum vitae
Evildeb: if you are an expert you can offer your opinion and the court will listen to you
Evildeb: but if you aren’t an expert you can only offer facts
Evildeb: facts are stupid
Jodi: ummmm… what am i an expert at?
Evildeb: Prudence?
Jodi: sloth.
Jodi: i am an expert of sloth.
Jodi: i’m very very very very very very very very good at sloth.
Evildeb: do you know a lot about it?
Jodi: sure.
Evildeb: could you advise the court on sloth?
Jodi: it’s gooooooooood.
Jodi: sure.
Evildeb: well, there you are then
Jodi: i could start a knowledge base on it.
Evildeb: why don’t you if you’re such an expert on it
Evildeb: ?
Jodi: because i’m SLOTHFUL!
Jodi: i could do it, but i never would.
Evildeb: well, you won’t have much of a curriculum vitae then
Jodi: don’t need one.
Evildeb: but maybe in the case of sloth a curriculum vitae is counterproductive to proving your expertise
Jodi: i emote lessons on sloth.
Evildeb: I really need to finish my email. I got one done but I have another one to do.
Jodi: what the hell is a curriculum vitae?
Evildeb: a list of the things you’ve done or what have you that prove you are an expert.
Evildeb: Like, speeches you’ve delivered, articles you’ve written that someone published (proving someone believes in you) certifications you’ve gotten on the subject, your PHD…it’s like a resume
Jodi: hooo-boy. in my case, it’s more of a list of things i HAVEN’T done. because i’m an expert. in sloth.
Evildeb: but different
Jodi: i think they are expecting a bit much from an expert in sloth.
Jodi: that’s a lot of work. a lot of effort. we hate that.
Evildeb: right, but if you got up the gumption to write your curriculum vitae I think it would undermine your claim of expertise
Jodi: speaking of sloth, i have to go to a meeting now.
Evildeb: ok
Jodi: gumption.
Jodi: i’m FULL of gumption.
Evildeb: that’s good because I have to finish an email
Jodi: wheee.
Evildeb: you should take a laxative
Evildeb: to help eliminate all the gumption that’s trapped inside of you
Evildeb: because I think there may be a blockage problem with the gumption
Jodi: ha! blockage.
Jodi: gumption blockage.
Jodi: i need more fiber.