
More random iTunes while I work on Satan’s Bookclub

Just for fun….

  1. Hey Man from the album “Whoa, Nelly” by Nelly Furtado
  2. Sell Out from the album “Turn The Radio Off” by Reel Big Fish
  3. Don’t Panic from the album “Garden State” by Coldplay
  4. She’s Hot to Go from the album “Pontiac” by Lyle Lovett
  5. Free from the album “1999 (version without “D.M.S.R.)” by Prince
  6. Another Pearl from the album “The Hour of Bewilderbeast” by Badly Drawn Boy
  7. Take It or Leave It from the album “Get Born” by Jet
  8. The Sensual World from the album “The Sensual World” by Kate Bush
  9. These Are the Days from the album “Avalon Sunset” by Van Morrison
  10. Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing by Chris Issak
  11. Light & Day/Reach for the Sun from the album “The Beginning Stages of The Polyphonic Spree” by The Polyphonic Spree
  12. Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline

Hey, how can you not sing along to Neil?


sugar sugar sugar sugar

I have had too much sugar. I’m actually feeling a little bit icky… Evildeb says I am shitkl ibbledick. Which sounds naughty, but it means I’m feeling a little bit icky.

Anyway, from Seriously? You are getting married? I hadn’t heard. I have been here! I’ve lived this! I could have written this letter. The girl I worked with was so bad, her friends would come by and they’d lock themselves in the conference room to discuss the wedding for hours! And, at that time, we shared duties so that left them all to me. One day, I broke down and went into a closet and cried. Ahhhh…. the good old days. Anyway, it’s funny. Go read it.

evildeb, movies and tv, uber

That’s why I decided early on to sabotage my highly scientific brain with cartoons and sugar.

Remember the spiders who go potty on your teeth? Well, there is a regular spider potty party going on on my teeth right now. Don’t tell my mom. Evildeb made cupcakes over the weekend. She’s trying to get rid of all her topping doo-dads. You know, sprinkles, sugar, candies… stuff like that. I think she wants them out of the house. So these cupcakes had multi-colored sugar granules sprinkled on top, as well as flowers built out of m-n-m’s and little white candy ball thingies. I was unable to determine what flavor the frosting was, because it tasted like Sugar Frosting. Like butter and brown sugar and rainbow sugar. It crunched. I don’t think any more sugar could have been added to it. It was pretty good.

Evildeb: How as the cupcake part of the cupcake.

Jodi: it was… interesting. Did you make up this recipe yourself?

Evildeb: No.

Jodi: You know what it tasted like? It tasted like, a bit like… bran.

Evildeb: now, you see, I only had whole wheat flower and I was trying to decide if you could taste the difference.

Jodi: Yes, you can.

Evildeb: so you got a bit of extra fiber…

Jodi: and that’s nice!

This weekend, because I have such an exciting life, I noticed that my netflix “friend” Lisa had more movies rated than I did. And I could not let that happen. So I sat at my computer, rating movies until I had over a thousand movies rated! Ha-HA! take that, Lisa! She only has 446 rated. Even Arifa has more than that! Evildeb has the fewest. But now that she knows I did that, I imagine she’ll sign on and rate more movies. Because she’s competitive like that. Unlike me.

Did you know they now have chocolate Lucky Charms? They do. and they are goooooooood.


America is scary

I was going to write a nice long post about Terri Shiavo, because I’m very angry about it. Not only am I angry about the inappropriate interference of the Federal Government, I am very very frightened by it. I was going to write about it, but then I read Rude Cactus’s post about it, and felt I could save myself time by pointing you there and saying, “yeah, me too!” Because I agree with everything he says. In fact, it’s almost like he took the thoughts RIGHT OUT OF MY BRAIN!! [hence the slight headache above my right eye.]

I used to think I should buy this shirt for Louise, now I think I want it for myself.

And now I must go to the most annoying meeting on my agenda. I will come back with something happier later.
