dreams, macs, work

Ok then… that’s it.

Bored now. I have been working on the most tedious of all tedious tasks that occasionally fall into my inbox. Little pieces of my soul are drifting up and away, as we speak, and I cannot spare any of MY SOUL, as we all know. And I’ve just about reach the capacity of tedium that a girl like me can take. But all is not lost! For today my Mac Mini has arrived!! Cuter than your average button, she is. But she has no name, a fact that Dr. Stevil finds astounding, since I name all my inanimate objects, especially my computers. And macs are almost always girls. Amelia suggested “Amelia” but that could get confusing.

The other night I had this dream. See if you can guess what I was dreaming about. I was living in a house with my parents [Mom and Stepdad] who were away for the weekend. I decided to take a shower, and when I got out, somebody had gone through the house sticky multi-colored pieces of paper on the walls and doors. These pieces of paper were as small as a mini post-it note and as large as 8.5×11, and they had words printed on them, but most of the words were gibberish. Or they were written like this “st0ck prices go thru the r00f!” I was running down the hallway, tearing these pieces of paper off the walls and doors, when I saw someone dash down the stairs. I looked over the balcony, and there was the culprit! Along with my parents.

Now, for some reason, at this point, everyone became lego people. I yelled “stop him! he’s a note leaver! he’s leaving notes everywhere!”

So my stepdad shot and killed him, and started to drag his lego man body out the door. This seemed like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. When I got downstairs, we’d all turned back into humans. I told my mother I did not understand how he got in, to leave the notes. How they ever get it, because this had happened before. She explained to me that they were very very patient. That they hid out in the storm drain, but the street, waiting for an opportunity to sneak in. In fact, there was one there right now. We went out to look at him. He didn’t look very healthy.

“sometimes, they have viruses.” My mom said.

After that dream, I woke up and went to get a glass of water, while standing in the kitchen, it struck me… what I had just dreamed about. And it made me laugh.


Maggie makes up a word

Evideb says that Mimi, the evildog, was as sick as a dog could be, on Saturday night. The evil inside her was coming out both ends, and she was throwing up every five minutes. The next day, when Mimi began to cough, AlmostCertainlyGoingToEndUpEvilMaggie asked her mom if the dog was about to “bomit.”

“Bomit? Don’t you mean “vomit?”

“Bomit is PRETEND vomit.”

When Evideb told me the story today, I had to admit that there was a need in my life for a word that means pretend, or virtual, vomit. In fact, just five minutes ago:


Me: Uh-oh… Deb… I think I am going to bomit.

Evideb: Oh no… why?

Via Chat:

Me: Because overheard: “am I going to make ANY commission on this? oh my god… that is so much money!”

Me: therefore; jodi: bomit.

Evildeb: I have a question. Am I going to make ANY commission on this painful review of these GENERIC WORK TASK AT P.O.E. that I’m working on?

Me: no. no you are not. in fact, all you are going to make is bomit.

Evildeb: yes, I think I shall make some bomit. Hey, that’s what you can do when he gets loud, you can bomit over the wall of his cubicle.

Me: I need some golf balls, and a sharpie pen, STAT!


A tribue to Amelia

DrinkJack was out and about this weekend, and happened to see the following tribute to Amelia, so he sent me a picture.

Amelia Highway-4

“It’s very pretty, Amelia.”

“Yes, it is nice… I like the trees.”

“Where do you think it leads?”

“Duh… the airport!”
